- June 26, 2017
- 543
Free online textbook Polish language teachers
Foundation of Supporting Polish language and culture the name of Mikołaj Rej makes accessible on its website the publication – “Polish can. About great Polish people in Poland and in the worl. It is accessible free for Polish language teachers.
Nicolaus Copernicus, Adam Mickiewicz, Janusz Korczak, Fyderyk Chopin, Wisława Szymborska, Tadeusz Kościuszko, John Paul II, and many more – the textbook contains 25 pictures of great Polish people.
Textbook and files are accessible here.
„The texts show Polish people as creative, original, and innovative persons. Exercises and tasks help to develop the knowledge of Polish language and reason that Polish language is not hard (against common stereotype). Learning Polish can be delightful and is reasoned with so called visibility of Polish language in the world (it is witnessed with presence of Polish people in the world and the map of the places where Polish language is spoken). These facts are written by the authors of project which is financed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Publikacja przyczynia się także do promocji polskiego wkładu w rozwój cywilizacyjny i kulturowy Europy, w tym zwłaszcza chrześcijańskiej tożsamości i ukształtowanego na przestrzeni wieków na tej podstawie systemu demokracji, wolności, solidarności i tolerancji.
The goal of the publication – beside strengthening the image of Poland – counteracting the stereotype and strengthening the brand identification POLAND corresponding with “The rule of communication of the brand POLAND” asset and strength Poland and Polish talents.
Publication also supports promotion of Polish input and civilisation and culture development of Europe. Finally the most important is act of the development of Christianity its identity and moulded in the trace of the centuries on its basis of the democracy, freedom, solidarity, and tolerance.
Translated by Marcin Trusewicz within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.