- December 14, 2016
- 530
J. I. Kraszewski Junior High School- in the international school cooperation project.

J. I. Kraszewski Junior High School in Vilnius along with schools from Italy, Spain, Portugal, France, Poland, and Greece takes part in the “Erasmus+” project called “Geocaching In and Out the Classroom- Minds on the Move”.
This international project proposes the new method of teaching during which the newest technologies will not interrupt students on classes but will be their helpers. Using mobile phones and GPS students will go outside school and with help of those appliances they will use the theoretical information absorbed during lessons in practice.
32 students and 10 teachers enrolled for this project. 7 countries take part in this. Students and teachers from our school will have a possibility to be guests in those countries and will have coordinators of the project in their country as well.
On the days from 27th November till 3rd December in Portugal there was the first meeting of participants of the project. During this meeting terms of the project were discussed, also there were practical classes on geocaching, created internet platforms eTwinning and Google drive where the registers describing the contestants’ activity will be.
A lot of interesting work is ahead of us because the project is appraised for two years.
Project coordinator
Wanda Andruszaniec
(the material has was send in. Publication without shortcuts and redaction)
Translated by Agnieszka Bladowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.