• November 17, 2016
  • 544

Polish- Lithuanian poster is already on the streets of Vilnius

We have already written that the winning poster illustrating the 20th anniversary of founding the Institute of Poland in Vilnius, has been chosen.

Institute of Poland in Vilnius and the International Council of Graphic Design Associations announced a graphic contest, at which over 200 project propositions were submitted.

The best project made a designer from Rzeszow, Krzysztof Motyka.

“The winning poster perfectly fulfils its aim- it is legible, strong, memorable. Graphic metaphor of common Polish-Lithuanian home based on flags of both countries is a very clever if it comes to graphics and also it is adequate. The chosen project is a graphic quintessence of mission and operations of the Institute of Poland in Vilnius- it links the use of symbols of hearth, peace and close neighbourhood”- says Angelika Gromotka from the International Council of Graphic Design Associations, the member of jury.

Posters has already been displayed on the streets of Vilnius.

We encourage you to see the photo gallery.

Translated by Agnieszka Bladowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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