• November 8, 2016
  • 668

The war atmosphere enters schools of Lithuania

An educational book “Security and defense of the country” prepared by the Military Academy of Lithuania was presented today in the Jonas Basanavičius Junior High School in Vilnius. The book is dedicated to students of higher classes.

The presentation took the form of a lesson-discussion, in which Lithuanian officers working in defense took part – including the Defense Minister Juozas Olekas and the head of the Military Academy of Lithuania Raimundas Matulis.

Authors claim that the main purpose of the book is to acquaint students with the subject of national security and defense of the country. Such knowledge, according to initiators, is essential for every citizen of Lithuania.

In Lithuanian schools there is no separate subject of national security and defense of the country. Experts say that the knowledge from the book may be presented to students, eg. during basics of citizenship, history and geography classes.

The atmosphere of war is being built in Lithuania. The Lithuanian Ministry of National Defense has already prepared three guides for behavior in war conditions. Saulius Skvernelis, the new Prime Minister of Lithuania, referring to the commitment of increasing spendings on defense up to 2% of GPD spendings on defense, said that it was only a first step and the new government sees possibilities of even greater funding of defense of the country.

Translated by Agnieszka Drabik within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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