- May 25, 2016
- 829
The Ministry is ready for the accreditation of Lelewel and Syrokomla Schools

Ministry of Education is ready to make a positive decision regarding the accreditation of J.Lelewel and Wł. Syrokomla. The schools should receive the accreditation before January, 2017. Schools in Zujūnų seniūnija and Valčiūnai will also be accredited in autumn. A different solution was proposed to Saint Casimir School in Medininkai and Paluknio in Traku region as they both lack in students.
“Decisions about how many and which schools are needed are being made by founders – local authorities. We are ready to help in many ways in realization of these decisions, but it is necessary to spell everything out and reach an agreement’’ –the minister of education Audronė Pitrėnienė said during a discussion on accreditation of 6 national minority schools, in which the vice-president of Sejm Jarosław Narkiewicz participated.
Vilnius Mer Remigijus Šimašius assured that the self-government made a decision about converting J. Lelewel and Wł. Syrokomla Schools into junior high schools. He stressed that the J. Lelewel School’s building will be renovated as a priority and the construction works should be finished before the 1st of September. Lelewel will become a junior high school with an engineering profile and Syrokomla – with an humanistic profile.
Saint Casimir School in Medininkai lacks in students and that’s why the Ministry offered, as a variant, converting it into the branch of the junior high school in Rukainių.
The school in Paluknio may put 11-12 grades together with junior high school in Medeinos and, by doing so, may receive an accreditation. A similar model was used in Dieveniškės, Šalčininkai district.
Lithuanian Sejm made a decision on a liquidation of high schools before September the 1st, 2017. For now, ten high schools were not reorganized.
Translated by Aleksandra Nowakowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.