- February 23, 2015
- 442
All the best people have the worst experiences

Meeting with a man of non-scheduling of personality, we had the opportunity to hear about the many painful experiences, hear quite a lot of emotional memories. This is what Mr. Wladyslaw Grużdz, born in 1916 in the village Użumiszki, baptized in the parish of Vandžiogala. A Pole, a Catholic, a patriot of his country. We are happy to share with residents Vandžiogala memories of his long and colorful life. Fate was often whimsical, times – very confusing, and he consistently stood with her: not renounced their own values, not afraid to admit that he is a Pole from the parish of Vandžiogala.
Talking with Mr. Wladyslaw pretty much did we know. Particularly vivid are his memories of childhood: remember the teachers who taught in Polish at home (school closed). He also recalled his father’s stories about Mr. Arthur Milosz, who lived in Użumiszkach and drove in a carriage drawn by four horses. Mr. Milosz in the days of the Tsarist annexation was responsible for collecting the recruits. Our caller also told about the great hurricane that swept through Użumiszki and grubbed up large tracts of forest and destroyed, and raised in a barn of Mr. Milosz. Mr. Wladyslaw interestingly told about the court and a large orchard, with devotions are celebrated in Polish and Lithuanian in the Church of the Holy Trinity in Vandžiogala, a multitude of pilgrims and cars on the market square. He also told about the inhabitants of the town – Jews, Poles, Lithuanians and Russians-old believers who lived here under. We have also learned how much was Vandžiogala tavern. Painful memories of the Holocaust were during the war in Vandžiogala and its surroundings, dealings of Russian and German soldiers, Lithuanian shooters (Lietuvos Šaulių Sąjung) and policemen who killed all the Jews of Vandžiogala.
There were also peaceful post-war era … centenarian figuratively, sadly recalled how one night came six so. “stribs” and ordered to collect, only for the fact that they had dozens of hectares of land and hired to work in the field a few people. Because of denunciation neighbors man was exiled to Siberia, Tomsk circuit. Exile spent nearly seven years.
After the exile was not expected in Lithuania, so he went to Polish. There, together with his wife Helen lived in Dobre Miasto, where in 1997 they returned to Lithuania. Polish President Aleksander Kwiaśniewski gave Mr. Wladyslaw Gruzdžiai medal exile.
A number of interesting facts, cases, told us Mr. Wladyslaw. We could not get over it and we were glad that enriched our holding: collected, photographed, recorded material. And the best thing is that there are those among us long-lived, warm, strong people like Mr. Wladyslaw – a real Pole parish of Vandžiogala .
Translated by Michał Sadowski within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.