• February 5, 2015
  • 320

Poles in Lithuania in 1923 and 2011

We present you two maps concerning the places of residence of Polish minority in Lithuania in 1923 and 2011.

The website mapijoziai.lt compared the registers of citizens in 1923 and 2011. Basing on the data from these registers, two maps were created.

The first map, available here:  http://g4.dcdn.lt//images/pix/518×0/hhmMGdeZw28/polacy-na-litwie-w-2011-roku-mapa-mapijoziailt-67086470.jpg, shows the places of residence of Polish minority in Lithuania in 2011.

The second map, available here: http://g2.dcdn.lt//images/pix/518×0/Pi6aBxhAB1k/polacy-na-litwie-w-1923-roku-mapa-mapijoziailt-67086486.jpg, presents the places of residence of Polish minority in Lithuania in 1923.

Translated by Joanna Stępińska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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