• November 19, 2014
  • 418

To save from oblivion: Édouardo André park in Lentvaris

Thanks to the European Union funds there are new opportunities for Lentvaris. 17 million litas that are to be given to the city may be used for changes that improve its image and the standard of living. Due to those funds the parks around Tyszkiewicz Palace, which were designed by famous French landscape architect Édouard André, might be rescued,.

Lentvaris- a slightly neglected city- is given a great opportunity. Due to  the Structural Funds from the European Union the realization of so far unattainable  projects is now possible. The Trakai District Municipality as well as citizens of Lentvaris are already considering how to spend this money well. And they have specific plans. Two projects have been established- both of the citizens and the Municipality-  have been prepared and discussed publicly. The citizens’ project was prepared by its representatives, local organizations and mayors. It is also supported by the parliament’s vice-chairman, Jarosław Narkiewicz and councilor of the Trakai District, Teresa Sołowiowa. There are some differences between these two projects. One of them is the vision of Tyszkiewicz Park- the part of monumental resort of undeniable historical value. The project prepared by the local environment predicts its reconstruction, while the Municipality plans its modernization.

Lentvaris became the property of Tyszkiewicz in 1850. The first palace  was designes at the request of Józef Tyszkiewicz by an architect Gustaw Schacht. At the initiative of Józef Tyszkiewicz’s son, Władysław, in 1899 there was a reconstruction of the residence for then modern English neo-gothic style. The work was supervised by a Belgian architect de Waegh in cooperation with Tadeusz Rostworowski. In the palace there was  extensive collection of works of art, which because of approaching front in 1916, was moved to Russia where it disappeared. Presently, only parts of those valuable objects of Lentvaris Palace can be seen at the Trakai Island Castle.  After the Vilnius Region was taken by the Red Army in 1939 the period of slow devastation has begun. Firstly, the grain warehouse was located in the palace, and then the carpet factory (‘AB kilimai’), which was located there until the repurchase of the residence by an entrepreneur, Laimutis Pinkevicius. Unfortunately, when the object was took over by a private buyer it only brought another destructions and it still hampers any attempts of renovation works. For years Wilnoteka has been informing about its poor condition (articles in Polish):

Pałac w Landwarowie niszczeje, Wilnoteka, 14 kwietnia 2010

Niszczeje pałac w Landwarowie, Wilnoteka, 20 marca 2014

The Tyszkiewicz Palace and the whole residence, which were grandly built, obviously require vast financial outlays. Another problem is the matter of an ownership of the palace which after the bankruptcy of the private owner become the property of the SEB Bank. It will take a long time before the renovation works take place. Nevertheless, the park may be rescued now- in its heyday it was one of the most beautiful palace in Lithuania. Some parts of the park were destroyed during the Soviet times, when a beauty yielded to industry- across its territory runs a way, also the factory’s rooms were built here. Aivaras Trainovičius, a worker of the starosty in Lentvaris, believes that it is still possible to bring its old beauty back.

The park in Lentvaris was design at the request of Władysław Tyszkiewicz by Édouard François André -a landscape architect, botanist, main gardener of Paris and lecturer at the school of gardening in Versailles. André became famous after winning the contest for a project of Sefton Park in Liverpool in 1866. During his life he designed over 100 parks and gardens. The most famous ones are Sefton Park in Liverpool, the Luxembourg Castle Park, Funchal Garden in Madeira, Weldham Castle Garden in Markelo, public park of Cognac, Villa Borghese gardens in Rome. The park in Lentvaris was not the only project of André in Lithuania- at the request of Tyszkiewicz he also designed gardens in Palanga, Zatrocz and Waka Trakai.

The park in Lentvaris is one of the most interesting parks in Lithuania. Trainovičius got interested in it during his studies at the Klaipėda University. As a part of his bachelor degree he prepared a paper called The project of organization of parks in Lentvaris. ‘I’ve read a lot about it, I’ve  browsed the archival documents, but also I’ve attempted to find another, better maintained parks designed by André and solutions which he applied. I visited parks not only in Lithuania and Poland, but also in France- says about his work- I have also analyzed park in Lentvaris. Its structure is very similar to the one of other parks designed by this architect. ‘

The French architect in his project took into consideration mainly plant species which can be found in the particular place in natural environment, and then those which have similar climatic needs. Thanks to it, even without any specific care, most of the trees survived and the park is still an interesting place in terms of flora. It is special because of its interesting, natural shaping of the territory, which was used for ponds, meres, and waterfalls. An interesting and maintained element is a grotto, not exposed at all nowadays, but still beautifully presenting itself in old photographs. ‘A big problem is the plumbing. I have checked how it has been changing. Unfortunately, the solutions that were applied in 80’s are not very good. The plumbing doesn’t function well now and if it won’t be fixed –it may get completely destroyed soon.’

It is possible to bring back the magnificence of waterfalls and meres by using new technologies. ‘I would like André’s project to be fully viewed- says Trainovičius -Of course I’m talking about the appearance, not about the technical solutions from the previous century. A new element that didn’t exist in times of Tyszkiewicz, and which surely would have to appear is the lighting. For now we are conducting only those works for which we have an allowance from The Department of Cultural Heritage. It is not much- we mow the grass and remove garbage’.

The park in Lentvaris, the same as the deteriorating palace, is with no doubt one of the most valuable, yet neglected treasure of the Vilnius Region. There might be a hope that the initiative of the park’s reconstruction, which main purpose is to protect what is left after the heyday of Tyszkiewicz property will come to life. There is no doubt that a modernization, with usage of new technologies is necessary, and the renovation of André’s work is worth investing in. The reconstruction of park is only a small step to bringing back the Vilnius Region the heritage of Tysziewicz in Lentvaris. The real financial challenge is solving the issue of the ownership and renovation of the palace, to which the history has not been kind. The renovation of the whole complex may cost approximately 70 million litas.

Translated by Alicja Kępińska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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