- November 10, 2014
- 359
The palace in Pawłowo on the list of the historic buildings protected by National Law
The ruins of the palace in Pawłowo close to Turgiele are protected by national law. Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania added three buildings to the list: synagogue in Żeżmory (koszedarski region), a house in Szyłokarczma (Kłajpeda region) and the palace in Pawłowo (Soleczniki region). Till now they were protected only by the self-government of the Soleczniki region.
In XVIII c. the famous Pawłowska Republic had 3 thousands of hectares, its own constitution, coat of arms, treasure, parliament, money, school, etc. Rev. Paweł Ksawery Brzostowski, its president, abolished serfdom in his estates and divided the land between his peasants and introduced payoff buyback. He cared about his people’s lives, health, culture and education.
In the period of the bloom the Republic the palace was built there. The Republic existed for thirty more years. If it were not for the last partition of Poland and the failed Kościuszko uprising it would still be there. In 1794 Pawłowska Republic shared the fate of the country.
The last owners of Pawłów before war were the Wagners. The palace outlasted the war. It started to go to rack and ruin after the war and the fire. The authorities of the self-government of the Solecznice region tried many times to take the area under their protection. They succeeded few years ago. In 2012, thanks to the EU funds, the area around the ruins was cleaned, paths were organized, a parking was built, signboards were set there. Also a monument representing rev. Paweł Ksawery Brzostowski was set there.
275th anniversary of rev. Paweł Ksawery Brzostowski and 245th anniversary of the creation of Pawłowska Republic will be celebrated in 2014. In this year a book in Lithuanian language was released “Povilas Ksaveras Bžostovskis – Paulavos Respublika” (“Paweł Ksawery Brzostowski – Pawłowska Republic”). Its authors: Aurelija Arlauskienė, the director of P. K. Brzostowski Highschool in Turgiele and Łucja Jurgielewicz, PhD in Humanities wanted to popularize the information about this special place.
On the basis of: salcininkai.lt, BNS, inf.wł.
Translated by Gabriela Godek within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.