• April 30, 2014
  • 426

The Józef Ignacy Kraszewski Lower Secondary School`s Cup Run in Nowa Wilejka


The school year 2013/2014 in Józef Ignacy Kraszewski Lower Secondary School in Vilnius will be written down in its history as the one, in which this educational institution was granted the status of a Lower Secondary School. A solemn inauguration will be held on 18th May. At this date is planned a ceremony in St.Kazimierz Church in Nowa Wilejka, consecrating of the banner and a gala for the students, parents and all of the district`s residents. On the occasion of granting the status of the Lower Secondary School, the school organized also the sports contests – The Józef Ignacy Kraszewski Lower Secondary School`s Cup Run.

Every year, in a Polish school in Nowa Wilejka is organized a Day of the Olympian – a sports event during which all of the students – starting from the students attending the 1 class, ending with the school graduates – have a chance to present their physical abilities and by the way they can also win the attractive prizes. In 2004, on the occasion of the 60th anniversary of school, it was organized a run for all of the residents of Nowa Wilejka. Then the event turned out to be a success but it took 10 years and the next occasion, which is granting a status of the Lower Secondary School, to gather the runners for a run once again.

This time, for taking part in the sports contest, there were invited the students of the other schools from Nowa Wilejka and the adult residents of this district. In the event participated also some runners from other Vilnian schools and from Vlinius region. The run route was marked out not by an accident: it led through Linksmoji, Gerovės, Pergalės streets, where formerly were placed the Polish schools. “We feel as if we were the heirs of the Polish educational system in Nowa Wilejka, we want the remembrance of fact, that formerly there were even a couple of Polish schools here, will remain. “ – said the director of Józef Ignacy Kraszewski Lower Secondary School, Helena Juchniewicz.

The participants of the race had to run 2500 meters. The organizers thought also of the prizes for the best runners. There were the diplomas, gifts and the cups, the backpack for the youngest participant and the combinations of vitamins for the oldest participant among the women and the oldest participant among the men. There was also a special, exceptional prize, because everyone could win it even when finished a race as the last one: among all of the participants there were drawn the following prizes: two bikes, for a woman and for a man. The founder of these prizes is Natural Gas and Petroleum Mine in Żarnowiec [Kopalnia Gazu Ziemnego i Ropy Naftowej Żarnowiec]. A brand – new bike won a mother of two students from Józef Ignacy Kraszewski Lower Secondary School Beata Czaplińska and its student Edgar Raubo.

Józef Ignacy Kraszewski Lower Secondary School`s Cup among the girls and women won the medicine student Marija Ratautaitė. As the second came Emilia Juckiewicz, the third one was Kamila Szczuczko. The gifts from the organizers received also those who were at 4,5 and 6 places: Renata Niedzveckaitė, Agnija Szabłowska i Ewelina Bartosewicz. In the men`s group the run won Andrej Jegorow. Aleksandr Małyszko was second and Andrejus Žusovas third. Among the fastest runners there were also Artur Szturo, Konrad Kutysz and Wiktor Grabowski.

Source: http://www.wilnoteka.lt/pl/artykul/bieg-ulicami-nowej-wilejki-o-puchar-gimnazjum-im-ji-kraszewskiego

Tłumaczenie by Barbara Toczek w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Barbara Toczek within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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