• April 16, 2014
  • 383

Daszkiewicz case: It is not about paying, but about fighting for bilingualism

Ewelina Mokrzecka

Initiators of raising money for the penalty of the director of administration of Soleczniki region Bolesław Daszkiewicz are hesitating to give him the money, claiming that they want to see how the situation will develop. Yesterday a bailiff threatened to take over Daszkiewicz’s flat for not paying the penalty.

‘I will not comment on this case today, because we still do not have any documents confirming that the bailiff took over this flat, or gave it to the register. We will know what this is about when Daszkiewicz receives the document. Then he will decide whether he will pay or not.’ – informed Zdzisław Palewicz, mayor of Soleczniki region and director of Soleczniki’s department of ZPL (The Association of Poles in Lithuania).

Mackiewicz: It was a decision of regional departments of ZPL

After December 23rd 2013, when Vilnius Court punished Daszkiewicz with a penalty of 43400 Litas for every day of delay in executing juddement of the court from September 25th 2008, which ordered to remove bilingual plates in the region, ZPL organized raising money for paying the penalty for B. Daszkiewicz. Money was collected in Lithuania and Poland.

According to official data from several months ago, 30 thousand Litas was collected in Soleczniki region alone. Another 10 thousands were given by the leader of AWPL Waldemar Tomaszewski. 30 thousand zlotys was given by members of Polish party Law and Justice (Prawo i Sprawiedliwość) who were visiting Lithuania. Money came from party’s memberships fees.

So far nobody is rushing to give money to B. Daszkiewicz. ‘It was an initiative of Soleczniki and Vilnius regional departments of ZPL. They have separate bank accounts. Central Administration was not interfering and asking who raised money and where is it. I think that administrations of Vilnius and Soleczniki region will make an adequate decision and everything will be OK. If there is no decision yet, it means that there are reasons for that’ – explained Michał Mackiewicz, leader of ZPL to zw.lt.

Z. Palewicz emphasized that they will continue to support the director of administration of Soleczniki region. But in this case Daszkiewicz should make a decision himself. ‘If he turns to Soleczniki department, of course we will support and help him as much as we can, financially as well. Because this campaign was organized and money was collected. So we will support him.’ – explained the director of regional department of ZPL.

Palewicz: It is not only about paying the penalty

Z. Palewicz did not want to say how much money was collected. ‘I won’t comment that yet. Everything will be revealed publicly. Every Lit. I can only say that inhabitants of the region, and not only them, but also Poles had shown a great solidarity. It is not only about paying the penalty, but also about enforcing a law that would allow bilingualism in public life. That is the basic issue.’ – said mayor of Soleczniki region.

Member of Soleczniki’s local government also could not explain, what will happen with the money if B. Daszkiewicz does not turn to them for help. ‘I won’t comment what will happen, how will it happen. There is no comment. Money is collected. We know, who gave them and they will be used the way they have to be used. Not one single Lit will be used for things that it was not meant for. There was solidarity in supporting Daszkiewicz in his case with plates, so the money will be given for that. And time will tell whether Daszkiewicz will ask for money or not.’ – stated Z. Palewicz.

Bailiff: I’m not a postman

Yesterday bailiff Janė Jakimavičienė declared that she will arrest property of the director of administration of Soleczniki region B. Daszkiewicz to enforce the punishment. ‘We will send a document to the central registry that we take over the flat. Arresting the flat does not mean that this action will be realized at once. A man can submit a request to pay the penalty in some other way. A man will be force to think what to do next.’ – explained the bailiff.

Today J. Jakimavičienė confirmed this information in an interview for zw.lt. ‘We sent a document about arresting the property to B. Daszkiewicz. Of course it will take time to get him. I do not know when it will be delivered, I am not a postman.’ – said Janė Jakimavičienė to zw.lt.

B. Daszkiewicz was unavailable.

Source: http://zw.lt/wilno-wilenszczyzna/sprawa-daszkiewicza-nie-chodzi-o-zaplacenie-a-o-wywalczenie-dwujezycznosci/

Tłumaczenie by Anna Leśkiewicz w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Anna Leśkiewicz within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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