• April 12, 2014
  • 342

The Library of Vilnius Varieties: a new publication about Vilnius


Recently, we have announced a book’s release in 2013 of the authorship of Mieczysław Jackiewicz “Vilnius known and unknown. Times and people.” (the most important events of the city’s history from its beginnings until XIX century). Not long ago, the next position of this author has reached, entitled “Vilnius in XX century. People and events”.

Similarly as the previous one, it has been released within the framework of the Library of Vilnius Varieties by the Association of Vilnius and Vilnius Land Amateurs in Bydgoszcz.

The editor is Henryk Dubowik, after whose unchangeable editorial sponsorship – previously along with yet dead Leszek Jan Malinowski – two priceless series (A and B) of memorial and encyclopaedia publications, concerning Vilnius and Vilnius Land were on release. The scale of this unprecedented editorial idea is a sign of the fact, that the newest work of Mieczysław Jackiewicz is 79th position of the series B.

 Ones talk about prof. Mieczysław Jackiewicz that from Vilnius and Vilnius Region “could he never leave”. After the II World War, fortune has thrown him to Poland, however he came to his home town at each arising opportunity. He stroke up root there for four years (1998-2002) in the general consul of the RP in Lithuania capacity. His account of being attached to homeland – it is 16 books, and amongst them – 9 volumes of  “The Vilnius Land Encyclopaedia”, released in “The Library of Vilnius Varieties”, own memories “By the winding paths” etc.

The two newest volumes are sign of the author’s great gift of gathering information, but also the skill of working it out and an attractive passing it to a reader’s information. “Vilnius in XX century. People and events” – these are the years of considerable changes. From the introduction: “…that’s very turbulent, but not known period of development of the city by Wilia, along with its inhabitants’ experiences. Vilnius is a city which excites emotions and interest”. We’ll find on the book’s pages the memory of raising the monument of tsarina Katherine and a story about “organ grinders”, and underground canals.

Separate chapters are materials about Polish newspapers and associations after 1905, about national minorities inhabiting the city by Wilia. Anyway, it’s impossible to count all moved subjects, concerning Vilnius’ history of the previous century. The author writes: “The city of Vilnius, since the year dot inhabited by Poles, Jews, Belorussians, Tatars, Karaites, Germans, Lithuanians, Russians, is gradually losing its past multinational, multi-faith character, it is becoming a foreign city, however baroque, magic Old Vilnius still enchants with its charm everyone who even once has visited that “city under clouds”.

Tomas Venclova has written: “And I admired the most wonderful city in the Eastern Europe   every day”. These words may be related to the author of the book “Vilnius in XX century. People and events”, depicting Vilnius people’s fortune in the context of the city’s life in XX century. Ones may envy Mieczysław Jackiewicz energy. Hopefully, there will be not only one more book, in which, similarly to the one announced today, there will be a dedication: “To the grandsons, let them remember Vilnius”.

Halina Jotkiałło


Source: http://l24.lt/pl/kultura-pl/item/31262-biblioteka-wilenskich-rozmaitosci-nowa-publikacja-o-wilnie

Tłumaczenie by Małgorzata Bigoraj w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Małgorzata Bigoraj within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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