- April 11, 2014
- 390
Pole from Vilnius will take part in elections from the list of Polish nationalists

Pole from Vilnius, Rajmund Klonowski will take part in the upcoming elections to European Parliament (which will take place also in Poland) from the lists of The National Movement (Ruch Narodowy).
R. Klonowski – journalist from Kurier Wileński, blogger and social activist will be under number 6 on the lists in Warsaw region. Pole from Vilnius is not the only Lithuanian citizen that will take part in elections to the European Parliament from the lists of The National Movement. There is also 86-years-old Zygmunt Mogiła-Lisowski, director of The Society of Volyn and Polesie Enthusiasts (Towarzystwo Miłośników Wołynia i Polesia) and the chief editor of ‘Na Lwowskiej Fali’, Pole from Lviv Maria Pyż.
Elections to the European Parliament are different from those to the Parliament – even foreigners can take part in them. They are only required to have a passport of EU country.
Members of The National Movement say that they are taking part in the elections with a motto of ‘a radical change of thinking about the role of Poland in EU structures’. They will also oppose introducing Euro as a currency in Poland.
Citizens of all European Union will vote from 22nd to 25th of May. In Poland and Lithuania voting will take place only on Sunday, 25th of May.
The National Movement consists of Polish right wing organizations such as The All-Polish Youth (Młodzież Wszechpolska), The National Radical Camp (Obóz Narodowo-Radykalny), Independence March Association (Stowarzyszenie Marsz Niepodległości), The Real Politics Union (Unia Polityki Realnej), The Freedom Movement (Ruch Wolności) and local organizations such as National Szczecin (Narodowy Szczecin), National Łódź (Narodowa Łódź).
Source: http://zw.lt/wilno-wilenszczyzna/z-listy-polskich-narodowcow-wystartuje-polak-z-wilna/
Tłumaczenie by Anna Leśkiewicz w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Anna Leśkiewicz within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.