- April 7, 2014
- 338
Another penalty for plates. There is no new ‘record’…

Did Lucyna Kotłowska get a holiday discount on the penalty? Or perhaps the ‘bargain’ was negotiated by PM Tusk during the recent meeting with Lithuanian Prime Minister in Brussels?
Lucyna Kotłowska will have to pay ‘only’ 6000 Litas (around 1738 Euros) for failing to execute the judgment of the court and not removing plates with Polish street names. District court of Vilnius did not impose on the director of the local government administration of Vilnius District Municipality the maximum penalty of 500 Litas, which was demanded by the bailiff for every day of delay since the date of execution of the judgment (8th of August 2013). If the judges accepted the bailiff’s proposal, L. Kotłowska could have been imposed a penalty several times higher than her friend from Soleczniki region, Bolesław Daszkiewicz. With a penalty of 43 thousand Litas (12 453 Euros) he remains a ‘record-holder’ in this new Vilnius discipline ‘who will get the highest penalty for Polish plates?’
After hearing the judgment, lawyer of the government representative of Vilnius region, Rokas Jonikas accused the judges of violating the civil law which does not provide a so-called regular penalty that was imposed by the court. According to the current version of the law, the court should have imposed a daily penalty (maximally 500 Litas) and multiplied it by every day of delay. Jonikas didn’t want to comment on the amount of imposed penalty.
Bailiff Virgilija Meškauskienė, who sued the director of the local government administration of Vilnius District Municipality Lucyna Kotłowska at the request of a government representative, demanded a maximum penalty, and the delay was already around 6 months, so it would be over 80 thousand Litas. V. Meškauskienė claims that she had recently visited several places in Vilnius region, and despite the order of the court to remove them, plates with bilingual street names are still placed on 65 streets.
Lawyer of the local government administration of Vilnius District Municipality Jolita Batura also admitted that she did not expect a penalty, because the court was given evidence proving that the order was executed. Of course within the competences of the director of administration.
Will the newest judgment on the case of Polish plates also be appealed? We do not know yet. Lawyers of the local government of Vilnius District Municipality and Virgilija Meškauskienė have 7 days to familiarize themselves with the judgment and make a decision. However, Rokas Jonikas assumes that the judgement that was proclaimed today will not be final.
The director of the local government administration of Soleczniki District Municipality Bolesław Daszkiewicz has not yet paid the imposed penalty. Government representative for Vilnius region Audrius Skaistys informed that two penalties can be imposed on B. Daszkiewicz – one for not paying 43 thousand Litas, and another for the fact that bilingual plates have not been removed yet.
On the basis of: Inf.wł.
Source: http://www.wilnoteka.lt/pl/artykul/kolejna-grzywna-za-tabliczki-nie-ma-nowego-quotrekorduquot
Tłumaczenie by Anna Leśkiewicz w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Anna Leśkiewicz within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.