• April 2, 2014
  • 347

„Mature” 18th Festival of the School Theatre in Vilnius

Marian Paluszkiewicz

A ring just like in a real theatre alarmed the beginning of the 18th Festival of the School Theatre [Festiwal Teatrów Szkolnych]. On the 2nd April in the House of the Polish Culture in Vilnius 10 theatrical groups from the Polish schools in Vilnius, Vilnius region and Trok region presented their acting talent. Young artists with passion impersonated their characters` roles.  

It makes us happy that the Festival is developing, getting bigger and now is even „adult”. We hope that the next generations with equally big pleasure will take part in drama classes, since it lets the participants develop and it is how the polish authors` art is learned. During these classes the correct pronunciation is taught and the Polish language is mastered – said Vice – chairman of the Association of Polish Schools` Teachers in Lithuania „Macierz Szkolna” [School Mothercountry”] Krystyna Dzierżyńska.

The Festival was started and lead by „Macierz Szkolna” but the idea came from the Podlasie Voivodship branch of Association “ Polish Community” that some years ago did a great job, preparing the teachers for work with the students theatre through special 2years Theatre College [Studium teatralne]. In this way appeared the directors among the teachers that are passionate about the art. The geography of students theatre in the Vilnius region is very broad – each of the regions has its representatives.

Teresa Mojsiewicz and Alina Judycka took the group of the young artists from the 4th class of the John Paul II Secondary Lower School. In spite of their age, they are already experienced when it comes to performing on the stage – they were familiarizing with the theatre already in the kindergarden within the frame of the Festival “ Bajeczki ze szkolnej półeczki” [Fairy tale from the school`s shelf]. They already have awards under their belts „Złotego” i „Srebrnego Dzwoneczka”[ “Gold and Silver Bell]. One may say that they “grew up” on the stage.

– My pupils claimed this year for the first time that the stage “got smaller”. So far the same stage was too big – laughs Teresa Mojsiewicz. – Working with them is very interesting. The condition is that they need to be done with their school obligations and then we can deal with the theatre. I use kind of a little blackmail: if my pupils have not done the homework yet, there is no drama classes. The children try to do their tasks very quickly to get on the stage.

Alina Masztler form the John Paul II  Lower  Secondary School in Vilnius came with the students of the 11th class. They presented the picture under the title “Poczekalnia” [“Waiting room”], showing the reality of the patients waiting for the doctor to come.

– We present first off all this, what the young people are interested in but apart from the contemporary art we have in our repertoire the plays of Shakespeare, Molier, Fredro. An important role plays the art of Karol Wojtyła. We are working on the play „Przed sklepem jubilera” [„In front of the jeweller`s shop”]. The students are tempted by the life on the scene and as Alina Masztaler says, they prefer practical drama classes to the theoretical ones. Among many different additional music, art, design classes they choose drama classes.

– Such classes are needed in the everyday life since we are in front of the  audience all the time: While being asked during the classes, wishing or delivering an occasional speech. Our life is connected with the theatre. The word, movement, gesture count.

– Playing in the theatre is an unbelievably interesting activity. It enables you wide – ranging development  – tell us Karolina Jadiało and Joanna Rozmysłowicz from Theatrical Group by the John Paul II Lower Secondary School – It helps not just to develop your acting skills but also influences you imagination. We can express our emotions, impersonate somebody else – you can be a person you will never be in a daily life. It is a really discovering activity.

Students` presentations were judged by the jury consisting of 5 persons : Anna Kitlińska,a head of branch of the  Association “ Polish Community” in Podlaskie region in Białystok, Dorota Sokołowska, a journalist of the radio „Białystok”, Irena Litwinowicz, a head of the Polish Theatre in Vilnius, Lilia Kiejzik, a head of the Polish Theatrical Studio in Vilnius, Helena Bakuło, vice – president of the Association of the School Theatre Fanciers [Towarzystwo Miłośników Teatrów Szkolnych].

– I always say that there are no losers since taking part in such kind of events is a great award itself. The children perform on the real scene and even stars of our Festival win awards in Poland: Joanna Moro, Agata Meilutė, Janek Drawnel make a conquest of the Polish and world scenes. It is a fruit of the creative work – said Krystyna Dzierżyńska.


The organization of the Festival was possible thanks to the support of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Poland within the frame of „Help for the Polish diaspora and the Poles abroad” [„Pomoc Polonii i Polakom za Granicą”],
consular department of Embassy the Republic of Poland, the board of the National Association “Polish Community”, the Podlasie Voivodship branch of Association “ Polish Community” in Białystok, the House of Polish Culture.

Source: http://kurierwilenski.lt/2014/04/02/dojrzaly-xviii-festiwal-teatrow-szkolnych-w-wilnie/

Tłumaczenie by Barbara Toczek w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Barbara Toczek within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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