- April 2, 2014
- 403
The Canonization Spark of Divine Mercy was given away in the Gate of Dawn

Today, on 2nd April, on the 9th anniversary of the death of blessed John Paul II, at 21 o’clock in the chapel of the Gate of Dawn, all the believers met. For the Mass in the chapel of Our Lady of Mercy the representatives of the progymnasium the name of John Paul II brought the Canonization Spark of Divine Mercy, that had been taken by the school delegation from the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy in Lagiewniki, near Cracow.
The school delegation, along with the headmaster Janina Wysocka, received this beautiful gift with the representatives of the Family of Schools the name of John Paul II on 30th March, during a solemn Mass in the Basilica in Lagiewniki. The gift was given by Cardinal Stanislaw Dziwisz, the Metropolitan of Cracow.
“We brought this Spark specially because of the anniversary of death of John Paul II, for this day in the heart of Vilnius – in the chapel of Our Lady of Mercy – begin the transferring it to other schools in Vilnius, parish communities, or anyone who would like to take this fire to their families or jobs.” – said the headmaster of the progymnasium the name of John Paul II in Vilnius.
The Canonization Spark of Divine Mercy was taken, out of the priest’s hands, by the representatives of Polish communities and organizations, among others: on behalf of Waldemar Tomaszewski, the leader of the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania and the Member of Parliament, the Spark was taken by his wife Wioletta Tomaszewska; on behalf of the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania fraction in the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania the gift was taken by Wanda Krawczonok, the deputy of the fraction’s governor. The fire from Lagiewniki was transferred to the local government authorities – of the Vilnius district with mer Maria Reksc at the forefront, and the Šalčininkai district, led by mer Zdzislaw Palewicz.
The ignited lanterns were also taken by delegations of: the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Vilnius, with ambassador Jaroslaw Czubinski at the forefront; the Polish social organizations, including Association of Poles in Lithuania with its president, a Member of Parliament of the RL Michal Mackiewicz, the Association of Teachers of Polish Schools in Lithuania “Alma Mater”, with the president, a Member of Parliament of the RL Jozef Kwiatkowski.
There were also representatives of – the Ministry of Culture with the deputy minister Edward Trusewicz; the House of Polish Culture; the Institute of Polish Studies and Didactics of the University of Educology in Vilnius; the branch of the Bialystok University in Vilnius; the Gymnasium the name of John Paul II in Vilnius; the school-kondergarten “Neris”, the House of Social Welfare in Antokol, the Polish Theatre Studio and the Polish Theatre in Vilnius; the Polish media in Lithuania
The evening Mass was concelebrated by Dominican father Jerzy Latawiec from the church of St Philip and James, and father Jaroslaw Spirydowicz, the vicar of the parish of St. Theresa in Vilnius. During the homily, father Jerzy pointed out that due to his holiness the crowds of believers had been pulled toward John Paul II.
“The holiness of the pope was born thanks to his cooperation with God’s favor. Thanking for the person of John Paul II, for what God had made in him, for all the achievements in his life, we need to realize that all of that would not have been possible if Karol Wojtyla (later John Paul II) had not his eyes fived for God. He had had his eyes so fixed for Christ, that the whole life of God had been reflecting in him” – said the priest, emphasizing that – through the intercession of blessed John Paul II we need to ask for having our eyes so fixed for God, that our life be a clear and a legible sign for any man we encounter, that God exists and that He loves all the people.
The founder of the Canonization Spark of Divine Mercy is the Foundation called “The Work of the New Millennium” , which fund scholarships for talented young people. The scholarship holders are being called “a living monument of John Paul II”. It was on the invitation of father prelate Jan Drob, the leader of the Foundation Management Board, the delegation from the progymnasium the name of John Paul II in Vilnius had the opportunity to participate in the Mass in Lagiewniki and to collect the Canonization Spark of Divine Mercy for its distribution around the Vilnius district.
The initiative has its aim in illustrating the words of revelation recorded in the diary of St. Sister Faustina, that the spark will come forth from Poland, preparing the world to the final coming of Christ. The flame, called the Spark of Divine Mercy, being passed from hand to hand all around Poland, as well as abroad, is going to be – according to the organizers – a good reminder of the unique cult of the Polish Pope to Divine Mercy.
John Paul II, on 17th August, 2002, during the celebration of the consecration of the basilica in Lagiewniki, was calling: “How much today’s world need God’s mercy. The mercy is needed for all the injustice in the world to find its end in the glory of truth.” Whereas during the Sunday celebration, the Cracow metropolitan stressed that “everyone can and should carry in a spark of God’s mercy and light it up to their fellow men, their families, and community.” In December, 2003, John Paul II blessed the fire, which has been – since then – burning continuously under the image of the Merciful Jesus in the temple in Lagiewniki.
For “kindling a spark of God’s mercy” and “transmitting the fire of charity to the world” called John Paul II during the consecration of the Sanctuary of Divine Mercy on 17th August, 2002. It was a direct reference to the words Jesus addressed to St. Faustina Kowalska: “[From Poland} the spark will come forth, the spark that will prepare the world to the final coming of mine.” “In God’s mercy the world will find peace, and the man – happiness! (…) Be the witnesses of mercy!” – then said the Holy Father. During this ceremony, John Paul II entrusted the whole world to the Divine Mercy.
On 2nd – the day of John Paul’s going to the House of Father – was also celebrated by the scouts from the Vilnius Troop of Mary the name of Lady of Gate of Dawn, whose chaplain father Dariusz Stanczyk brought the Canonization Spark of Divine Mercy from Lagiewniki.
Source: http://l24.lt/pl/religia/item/30619-w-ostrej-bramie-rozdano-kanonizacyjna-iskre-milosierdzia-zdjecia
Tłumaczenie by Roksana Kasperek w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Roksana Kasperek within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.