• February 24, 2014
  • 307

Cassation refused. Boleslav Daškevič will pay the fine

© Antoni Radczenko

Boleslav Daškevič, the Director of the Administration of Šalčininkai district, has informed that the Supreme Court of Lithuania has rejected his cassation appeal for unmoved Polish street signs placed on private houses.

“The cassation was rejected” – said Daškevič. The Director of the Administration was informed about that last week. Unfortunately, he could not enumerate reasons on the basis of which the Court had refused his appeal. A cassation is an extraordinary measure of challenging a sentence of appeal court, after using a regular appeals procedure. The cassation, in contrast with appellation, enables to control the challenged sentence due to law violation.

The Director informed that now he would have to pay the fine. “If it is decided by the court, it should be paid. If you refuse to pay, they will sell your apartment. There is nothing to talk about.” – stated  Daškevič.

Although, previously he claimed that he would not pay from his own pocket, now he is going to ask for help. “Obviously, I will ask for (financial) help, what am I, a millionaire?” – explained Daškevič.

Since the penalty of 43 000 Lithuanian litas had been imposed on the Director of the Administration of Šalčininkai district, the Association of Poles in Lithuania organized a fund-raising in order to pay the fine. The appellation had also attracted interest of Polish politicians. The ones from the Law and Justice donated 30 000 zlotys to Daškevič.

Last Friday, Jarosław Kalinowski, a Member of European Parliament from Poland, came to Lithuania. A representative from the Civic Platform will soon visit Lithuania as well. “I have an official, written confirmation that Donald Tusk himself (who also was invited) will not be able to come but Mr Grabarczyk, the deputy marshal of the Sejm, will go.” – said Narkiewicz. The exact date has not been settled yet, but probably he will come to Lithuania next week.

It all started in 2008, when Vilnius Regional Administrative Court ordered the Director of the Administration of Šalčininkai district to remove bilingual street signs in Polish and Lithuanian, from various towns in Šalčininkai district. This matter had been repeatedly considered by different courts.

On 23rd December the Vilnius Regional Court decided that Daškevič has to pay a fine of 43, 400 Lithuanian litas for each day of delay in executing the court’s sentence from 25th September, 2008.

Source: http://zw.lt/wilno-wilenszczyzna/kasacja-odrzucona-daszkiewicz-bedzie-placil-kare/

Tłumaczenie by Ewa Żakowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Ewa Żakowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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