- February 12, 2014
- 419
Skakovska: It is sad that there are no young people here

“We should arise interest in folksiness among young people” – Apolonia Skakovska, the Chairwoman of the Polish Cultural Centre of Stanisław Moniuszko in Lithuania, is convinced. She opened an exhibition devoted to the “20 Festivals of the Borderland Culture in Mrągowo” at the House of Polish Culture in Lithuania.
“We have been working for 20 years and I believe it is worthy for our compatriots to be familiar with this work – a very tough and responsible one. The Festival of the Borderland Culture has created its own individual atmosphere which binds Polish peoples from the Borderland together. We all share a spiritual link and we go to Mrągowo willing to meet our friends. For me Mrągowo is a capital of people from the Borderland.” – said Apolonia Skakovska, the animator of Polish culture in Lithuania.
During the ceremony people who have contributed the most to the festival in Lithuania, were granted awards for their work. Among the prize-winners were, for instance journalists Krystyna Adomowicz, Halina Jotkiałło, Jadwiga Pomostko and the photographer Jerzy Karpowicz.
Skakovska pointed out that there were only a few young people in the room. “I regret that even though young people dance, which means they accept this folklore, they are not interested in it. I can observe this while I am visiting schools and talking with students. It is very sad. And today I see no youngsters here.” – confessed the cultural activist from Vilnius region.
According to the Chairwoman of the Polish Cultural Centre of Stanisław Moniuszko promoting folklore should be started at schools. “Teachers are the ones who should arise interest in folklore. How can they do it? By telling stories. Real life stories. With examples of Poles coming from here. Young people like to follow the wise and great Poles.” – she suggested.
The exhibition was opened with a concert during which bands like, for instance ”100 Uśmiechów” (“100 Smiles”) and ”Melodia” (“The Melody”) performed.
The exhibition at the House of Polish Culture in Lithuania will last until 3rd March.
Source: http://zw.lt/wilno-wilenszczyzna/skakowska-smutno-ze-na-sali-nie-ma-mlodziezy/
Tłumaczenie by Ewa Żakowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Ewa Żakowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.