- February 9, 2014
- 383
Since to be a Pole on the earth – means to live nobly and according to God rules”: 25th anniversary of ZPL in Dukszty and Airėnai

The statement of Zygmunt Krasiński, the artist from romanticism period, mentioned by Henryk Naumowicz, who is the priest, the parish priest in Dukszty (Vilnius region), at the service of 25th anniversary of ZPL in Dukszty and Airėnai. The statement was the message of the priest and it was used in order to recall the most important values of Poles, which mean the same, though the time passes.
Last Saturday, parishioners, who came at the anniversary ceremony in Dukszty, gathered in Saint Anna’s Church prayed for compatriots who are participants in the local groups’ and dead people’s benefit with the guests: Waldemar Tomaszewski, the chairman of the Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania (EAPL),the chairman of Vilnius District Branch of ZPL, the parliamentary representative to European Parliament, Rita Tamašunienė – the parliamentary representative, the Starost of EAPL in Lithuanian Parliament, and Maria Rekść, the mayor of Vilnius region. The group “Rafałki” sang during the liturgy in Saint Rafał’s Church in Vilnius
United for the holiest values
During the pray, the compatriots asked God for the grace, strength and deep spirituality, wisdom and the ability to distinguish between good and bad. They expressed their thanks to God for the activity of the organization. Naumowicz, the priest, stressed it is the organization which unites the Poles in Lithuania when it comes to their mutual desire for keeping the holiest values – faith and the mother tongue. Bur for the consistency and strictness of the local authority, who understand and support the need of the inhabitants, it would be impossible to reach unity. The church in Dukszty is an example of such care. The council of Vilnius region saved the church. Henryk Naumowicz, the priest, who took advantage of the authority representatives’ presence, expressed his thanks for the help to the parishioners and the church.
When the priest turned to the gathered people, he didn’t forget about the biggest problems – depopulation and denationalization – which are getting worse and worse in Dukszty borough. The priest lamented that the pragmatism is very common among compatriots. The pragmatism causes new generations of Poles being alienated from their own community, thoughtless renunciation of their origins for so called comforts
– it is difficult to talk about the nobility when one asks if it is worth being a Pole?… It is not easy to live nobly and according to God rules. And we can’t do it if our hearts id they are not prepared. But the mottos are not enough, we need strong arguments which prove that it is worth being a Polish person! – the priest said. Naumowicz considered problematic issues and at the same time he reminded this year is the Family Year. It is a special occasion to warn the whole community, state institutions that it is necessary to protect newborn babies to make the life triumph over death.
For society
Spirited inhabitants of the commune, went from the church to the culture Centre. The participants of the meeting sang “Rota”, standing at the time.
Wacława Baniukiewicz, the Starost of Dunkszty borough and the chairman of ZPL greeted the guests who came to the anniversary Ceremony of ZPL groups in Dukszty and Airėnai. She also said about the daily work performed selflessly by both the consociated inhabitants of Dukszty and those who are not consociated, since all people help her if she needs it. She mentioned Franciszek Kwakszys, Teresa Ostrowska, Zenon Liminowicz, Romulad Kazakiewicz who are dead but supported Poland for a long time.
– Today, I would like to thank people who always help me – active and kind, who understand that we all need to take care of everything connected with Poland. You take credit for our good results in the elections, for the success in getting donation when the act on transferring 1% or 2% from income taxes. Dukszty Borough is the commune, where elder people live. Though we are active and we are in all places, where our help is important and necessary: at pickets organized to protect the earth, mother tongue and education – Wacława Baniukiewicz said. She expressed her recognition toward Henryk Naumowicz, who according to her “Healed the wounds of the church in Dukszty”.
The village Geisiškės, which is getting more and more depopulated, is going to be teeming with life. The first orphanage in Vilnius region will be established here. All lonely and abandoned children from Vilnius region will live there. Baniukiewicz expressed her thanks to Waldemar Tomaszewski for setting the orphanage in Geisiškės.
– Today, we can boast. We Take care of Dukszty and the region to make it beautiful and neat – Wacława Baniukiewicz said. And she added that it was going to be better because the street lightning will be installed in villages: Alejuńcy, Rakiszki and Antokalcy that year.
Steered job
ZPL group in Airėnai has functioned on the basis of the teachers from the local school, which was Polish-Russian at that time. Most students were Russian, and Polish pupils fulfilled the classes. 25 years ago, Aleksander Stankiewicz, the chairman of ZPL in Airėnai, and the councillor of council in Vilnius region, recalled that teachers from the group aim to promote and protect Polish language and Polish culture, to shape the consciousness of Polish and to promote national education.
– Steered job of the teachers succeeded. All children who come from Polish families started to learn in Polish classes. Unfortunately, the baby bust is visible and there is a danger for the existence of our school. However, children from Polish families in Airėnai attend Polish schools in Dukszty and Mejszagoło – Aleksander Stankiewicz expressed his happiness. Poles who belong to ZPL in Airėnai and those from Dukszty take part in tourist jamboree, crop festivals, Shrovetide. They accompany Poles when the help for supporting their interests in Vilnius is necessary.
Take care of previous generations
The students of Primary School in Dukszty presented literary patriotic programme of 150th anniversary of January Revolt. Czesława Bartoszewicz, the headmaster of Primary School in Dukszty, expressed her reflection about the first steps to create Polish social organization. According to Czesława Bartoszewicz, educational institution is important in creating patriotic attitude among the teenagers. It is worth adding that the kindergarten, which 20 children attend, is also in Dukszty.
Waldemar Tomaszewski, the chairman of the biggest (linking 54 groups) Vilnius District Branch of ZPL, congratulated compatriots of Dukszty borough on the anniversary. He stressed that Dukszty borough plays an important role in social national movement for Polish culture: is active, we can mention many great examples of union organizational work, it comes in fifth among the boroughs that get good electoral results.
– Jubilee meetings are a good occasion to thank people who set the organization, who has been working to maintain Polish nature for 25 years. We’re glad that we can favour so many people, though they work without publicity – the leader of Polish minority in Lithuania referred to the statement made by the local youths and emphasized that the values we preserve are the output of the previous generations. The insurgents who fought in Kościuszko Revolt, November Revolt and January Revolt. The generations who was protected by Polish soldier under Marshal Józef Piłsudski’s command, the heroes of the last war.
– Our aim is to preserve Polish nature and foster it to the next generations. I do hope that we’ll manage to preserve Polish nature among the society. Thanks to Providence and Your social work, we’ve managed to survive the most dangerous period and strengthen Polish society in Lithuania – stated the chairperson of Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania.
Maria Rekść, the mayor of Vilnius region expressed her thanks to the inhabitants of Dukszty Borough. She thanked them for their social, patriotic effort, their constant faith and fidelity to tradition.
– We can enjoy our achievements thanks to our mutual work and people who work at schools, the parish priest, the engagement and experience of the Starost and her employees – the mayor stressed and she wished inhabitants being motivated for further initiatives and actions.
Giving diplomas crowned the meeting. Anna and Stanisław Prutkowscy, Irena Subotowicz, Teresa and Józef Brazulewicz, Janina and Henryk Barszewscy- are a few of those people who are of out standing merits and who won acclaim by their activity.
Tłumaczenie by Anna Kwiatkowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Anna Kwiatkowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.