- February 6, 2014
- 417
Birutis explains himself. „I’ve never said it”

“The representatives of the media published the statement that has never been stated” – said, Šarūnas Birutis, Culture Minister in Lithuania. He, at the meeting with conservative representatives, was to say that Poland and Russia are perilous for Lithuanian values. The editorial staff of zw.lt found a minister’s paper written to Jarosław Czubiński, Polish ambassador to Lithuania, in which he laments that the media changed his comment.
The media fumed after the comment of Birutisa. Intellectuals picked him to pieces. “it is a crime to juxtapose Poland and Russia. Such actions must be punished” – said Rimvydas Valatka, a well-known journalist. Andrius Kubilius, a conservative and a witness of the comment, was also shocked by Birutis’ statement. Birutis has not taken a stand on the issue yet.
„Media representatives published the comment that wasn’t stated (…). I mentioned Poland when I was saying about the membership in the UE of these two countries. The countries should care of remaining and supporting mutual culture values and not expose themselves to the influence of other countries’ (that are not members of the UE) culture – wrote, Culture Minister in the letter to the ambassador.
Today, Birutis commented on the issue. “I do not need to publish my comments in the newspapers. We cooperate with Polish Embassy, Adam Mickiewicz Institute, Polish Institute, Culture Ministry of RP. We try to solve all problems constructively and not with the papers participation. I’m surprised that somebody who wants to aggravate the relationships, provokes the escalation of the conflict by using comments with no real context. I think that there is no purpose in giving in such provocations. It does not bring any good results. The emotions, which are in abundance, are getting higher and higher” – Culture Minister said.
When Kubilus was asked why, being in the Political Saloon in Radio Znad Willi, he did not deny the comment, and only showed his surprise, the minister’s answer was that the opposition needs just the attention.
„Andrius Kubilius, being in the opposition, attempts to instigate to the conflict. He tries to affect the split of the opposition by his comments and provocations. It’s not worth giving in such provocations” – Birutis stressed.
Source: http://zw.lt/litwa/birutis-sie-usprawiedliwia-taka-wypowiedz-nie-padla/
Tłumaczenie by Anna Kwiatkowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Anna Kwiatkowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.