- January 12, 2014
- 345
“It’s a great opportunity to give love to those who need it.”
Games, presentations, reading to children and a performance of a band “Sto Uśmiechów” (A Thousand Smiles) – the 22nd Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity began in Vilnius. The Vilnius edition of the action was supported by numerous political and social activists, Polish institutions in Lithuania and the representatives of Polish embassy in Lithuania.
16:33 Polish schools in Lithuania also took part in the 22nd Grand Finale of the GOCC. The J. Śniadecki junior high-school in Šalčininkai donated 1001 Lithuanian litas and the Sz. Konarski school – 350 Lt. The Jean Paul the II junior high-school also participated in the action but it is still gathering the offerings and the sum will be known tomorrow.
16:31 The Vilnius region talented youth also joined the GOCC. The performance of Paulina Klimaszewska and Grzegorz Jurgielewicz charmed the spectators with gypsy rhythms. On the other hand, Joanna Zawalska soothed the audience with sung poetry. Monika Jodko, as always, burst with energy. The finalist of “The talents of Vilnius Region” competition Elżbieta Oleszkiewicz sang the world’s greatest hits. Kamiński&Pieczuro, known for their skilled interpretations of famous songs, were the last performers of the evening.
15:44 On of the participants of a Lithuanian reality show “The taste” (“Skonis”) Lucyna Rimgailė carried out a confectioner’s workshop for children in The House of Polish Culture (HPC). “The first time I did this kind of workshop it was in a police club for children from asocial families. I think that the concept was successful. Here, during GOCC everything started a little late and the children were getting impatient so I had to shorten the programme a bit.” – said Lucyna Rimgailė.
Lucyna is ready to take part in GOCC next year. “With pleasure. I think I told everyone that I’m always willing to help. I enjoy it very much.” – assured L. Rimgailė.
15:13 The Psychological and Pedagogical Counselling Centre of Vilnius region and Tarandės šeimos clinic have their stands in HPC. They clinic offers pressure measurement and gives basic information about one’s health.
“We take part in GOCC because we also work with children. This is a very noble cause. I participated in such actions even when I was still studying in Poland. We want to do as much as we can to help raise money for children.” – said Roman Juchniewicz, the manager of the Psychological and Pedagogical Counselling Centre. During GOCC they presented specialist computer equipment that measures the level of stress and helps to learn concentration and relaxation techniques.
Not only a financial dimension.
15:01 “My family’s connection began with the 1st Grand Finale of the Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity and here I am for 22 years – sometimes as a donor, sometimes as a participant. I’m very happy that as the years pass the action is more and more successful because it is not only about the financial and material dimension, it is about uniting all people of good will.” – said Polish ambassador Jarosław Czubiński during the interview with zw.lt.
Reading to children
The event started at noon in The House of Polish Culture in Vilnius. There was a confectioner’s workshop with Lucyną Rimgailė and Czajografia tea tasting. The Scouts presented a short lecture on first aid. The “Relax” stand offers pressure and stress measurement.
Famous guests reading books to children was surely one of the most interesting initiatives this year. “They read fragments of their favourite childhood books.” – said Sebastian Nowakowski, one of the organizers.
Among those who came to share their favourite literature with children were: the Polish ambassador in Lithuania Jarosław Czubiński, the vice-chairperson of the Polish Educational Society Krystyna Dzierżyńska, the chairperson of the Filantropia Plus foundation Beata Czaplińska, the chairperson of the Association of Polish Lawyers in Lithuania (Stowarzyszenie Prawników Polaków na Litwie) Grzegorz Sakson, and the Vice-Minister of Culture Edward Trusewicz. “I accepted the invitation with pleasure. I am positively surprised by this event. I watch GOCC on television every year but to make it so successful in Vilnius in only two years is an amazing thing.” – Grzegorz Sakson did not hide his admiration.
A numerous group of volunteers works for GOCC in Vilnius. “It’s a great honour for me because I’m here for the first time and it’s a great opportunity to give your love, your good heart to children. To those who really need it.” – said Monika Jodko, an actress and a GOCC volunteer.
The Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity plays in Poland and all over the world for 22 years now. Vilnius joined the action just last year. A year ago, almost 6 thousand Lithuanian litas were raised.
The aim of this year’s orchestra is to raise funds for specialist equipment for saving children’s lives and health, and providing a proper medical care for seniors.
Source: http://zw.lt/wilno-wilenszczyzna/dobra-okazja-aby-przekazac-swoja-milosc-potrzebujacym/
Tłumaczenie by Kinga Zinser w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Kinga Zinser within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.