• October 4, 2013
  • 395

‘Two countries – common culture and history’

© kurierwilenski.lt

The European Union under the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument Cross Border Cooperation Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus Programme supports the preservation of cultural and historical heritage. 

It also supports the development of tourism infrastructure and creates conditions for the development of small business on the border. The ‘Two countries – common culture and history’ project is a part of the EU cross-border cooperation programme. It is a project in which the borderline regions of Latvia and Belarus – Vilnius region (the lead partner) and the oszmiański region cooperate. The agreement of cooperation between the steering committee of oszmiański region and the administration of local government of the Vilnius region was signed in 2007.

On Friday, September 27th, Tourism Day, in Władysław Syrokomla house museum in Borejkowszczyzna (Vilnius region) there was a presentation and promotion of the work performed by this multipart international project. A numerous delegation of project members from oszmiański region came to the event in Borejkowszczyzna that day, with Halina Ludkowska, the vice-chairman of the steering committee of oszmiański region at the forefront. The project members from Vilnius region also gathered in large numbers. The former mayor of that region, Maria Rekść was present. The deputy minister of communications, Władysław Kondratowicz also came for the celebration in Borejkowszczyzna.

The closing event of the project was held in a friendly atmosphere, with great interest and satisfaction with the achievements of the cooperation within the project. Newly published international editions which were presented and promoted that day have gained a great reputation. They were namely: a travel guide ‘On the roads of history through Oszmiańska Upland’ (,,Drogami historii po Wyżynie Oszmiańskiej”) with a map of historic objects in Oszmiańska Upland in the Vilnius region and in the oszmiański region, an almanac-anthology ‘Meetings’ – ‘On the road of history and modernity of the border region literature’  (,,Spotkania” – ,,Drogą historii i współczesności literatury regionu pogranicza”), border champions catalogue, a display of postcards ‘Treasures of the Oszmiana museum exposition’ (,,Skarby ekspozycji muzeum w Oszmianie”) in the Franciszek Bahuszewicz museum in Oszmiana.

A virtual tour ‘On the roads of history through Oszmiańska Upland’ („Drogami historii po Wyżynie Oszmiańskiej”) was presented, there were signboards set along the route.

The editions were published in several languages. They are mostly trilingual and multilingual – in Lithuanian, Belarusian and Polish, some of them in English. A new display was opened in Władysław Syrokomla house museum, which made many positive impressions on visitors. The presentation and promotion of works listed above was another proof that the functioning of the project brought a lot of mutual benefit. Above all, it is the development and connection of cultures, which brings nations closer and the neighborliness relations are getting strengthened.

During the realization of the project contacts got strengthened between museums, libraries, literature representatives, etc. Friendly relationships were also made between schools of border regions, namely between the St. Kazimierz school in Miedniki in Vilnius region and the Oszmiana school number 1. Senior students came from the school in Oszmiana as the Belarusian delegacy to Borejkowszczyzna.

There were friendships made during the integration meeting of schoolchildren. Oszmiana students acquainted those from Miedniki with the functioning of their school and they told them about the life of the poet and social activist Franciszek Bahuszewicz, who lived and worked in Oszmiana. They said that the first Belarusian national poet was born in Świrana Grange, Vilnius district, Vilnius province (today Rukojnie commune in Vilnius region).

He was baptized in a church in Rukojnie. He finished high-school in Vilnius. Students from Miedniki on the other hand presented poems by their poet, traveler and observer Władysław Syrokomla (Ludwik Kondratowicz) in Belarusian and Polish, they also talked about their school.

On Tourism Day in Władysław Syrokomla house museum in Borejkowszczyzna Józef Szostakowski PhD revealed and presented a new museum exposition. He highlighted that ‘Władysław Syrokomla is an artist-poet in whose works we can find touristic themes’. As he said, ‘He is an archetype of the traveler-observer – the tourist’. The new museum exposition is interesting, it consists of authentic display units – documents and original book editions.

Presentation of the travel guide ,,Drogami historii po Wyżynie Oszmiańskiej” was held outdoors in the amphitheatre on the museum yard. It was held in a form of a small theatrical performance with costumes sewed in the nineteenth century style, which made great impression.

Alina Balčiūnienė, the co-author of the edition mentioned that the guide had been published in cooperation with workers of the Franciszek Bahuszewicz national history museum and with the help of advisers: Józef Szostakowski, Helena Bakuło, Waldemar Wiszniewski and Siargiej Żylik. Publishing concept – Grażyna Gołubowska.

The bright accents of the presentation and promotion of the edition were small performances made by the project members. Stage creations were based on legends and stories connected with places marked in the travel guide ,,Drogami historii po Wyżynie Oszmiańskiej”.

Promotion of the almanac-anthology ,,Spotkania” – ,,Drogą historii i współczesności literatury regionu pogranicza” was also held outdoors. Editor of the edition, poet and the co-author of the book Józef Szostakowski PhD together with Alina Saniuk, poet and editor of the anthology from oszmiański region greeted all the people gathered. Alina Saniuk said ‘During the project we got friendly and familiar. We are still waiting for such projects. Borders, politics and ambitions cannot separate friends’.

During promotion of the anthology, co-authors of ,,Spotkania” were reading their poems, among them Neringa Rasikaitė-Januševičienė, poet from Niemenczyn whose words were very warmly welcomed. The poet said ‘The project started with the warmth of spring – The Poetry Spring – and this warmth still holds us’.

In the anthology poems written by international authors are printed in original languages, that is why, as the anthology editor Józef Szostakowski said, ‘It is a rarity, an exception. Władysław Syrokomla himself was born in Belarus, wrote in Polish and lived in Latvia’…

Maria Rekść, mayor of the Vilnius region welcomed and greeted gathered members of the project. She said that she is happy with the realization of the project, noting that such actions connect nations; people meet and create. She thanked the poets, proclaiming that ‘It gives people a lot of good which will remain for the next generation’. She thanked the museum workers and the guests from Belarus. As she said, ‘It is a great promotion of a place that is rich in historic events’. 

Halina Ludkowska, the vice-chairman of the steering committee of oszmiański region thanked for the cooperation. She said, among other things, that ‘Within the 5 years of region cooperation in the projects on the field of culture and other sectors, neighboring nations got closer.’

At the end mayor Maria Rekść invited the Belarusian delegacy and all members of the project for traditional, annual harvest festival – The Feast of Harvest to Pikieliszki in Vilnius region, which was held on September 28th.


The ‘Two countries – common culture and history’ project has ended. It was funded with the financial resources of the EU within the European Neighbourhood and Partnership Instrument Cross Border Cooperation Latvia-Lithuania-Belarus Programme. The total budget was above 172,5 thousand Euros, 90 percent of which was EU funds. The Vilnius region allocated 10 thousand Euros (10 percent) for this purpose, the oszmiański region – 7 thousand Euros.

Project management – Grażyna Gołubowska, coordinator – Ana Matwiejko. Coordinator from the Belarusian side – Siargiej Żylik.

Source: http://kurierwilenski.lt/2013/10/04/dwa-kraje-wspolna-kultura-i-historia/

Tłumaczenie by Anna Leśkiewicz w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Anna Leśkiewicz within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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