• September 24, 2013
  • 355

‘Going on religion classes, one’s goes like on a mission.’ Conference about teaching religion in Vilnius region

© Krystyna Juckiewicz

Yesterday, 23 September, in Vilnius District Municipality, the conference about plans for teaching religion in regional schools has been held. During the meeting the elections for methodical circle for the next three years has been held as well.

‘Going on religion classes, one goes like on a mission. One should be aware that catechesis is supposed to get pupils closer to God. After the lesson, pupil should ask himself if he completed that task.’ – said Jan Gabriel Mincewicz, the vicemer of Vilnius Region

Education division chief, Lilia Andruszkiewicz, started her speech by using St. Jan Bosko words: ‘Do you want to do a good deed? Teach the young. Do you want to do a holy thing? Teach the young. Do you want to do the holiest thing? Teach the young. Do you want to perform a holy act? Teach the young. What is more, among the holy things, this is the holiest.’

Going on religion classes, one goes like on a mission. One should be aware that catechesis is supposed to get pupils closer to God.

‘I hope that this words will lead our today conference’ – said L. Andruszkiewicz.

The conference was lead by Senior Officer of Education Division for Teaching Religion in Schools of Vilnius Region, Janina Klimaszewska, who read out a new list of members of  methodical circle of Vilnius region religion teachers. The membership was given to: Janina Mozol, Andżeła Łazarenko, Andrzej Aszkiełowicz, Aldona  Balsienė, Lila Spirydowicz, s. Ernesta Ludmiła and Żaneta Jackiewicz.

‘I’m incredibly happy that such conference is held, that we have so much religion teachers. I have huge plans for the next, three years long cadence. We will, before anything else, try for our teachers to grow spiritually, so they could pass more to the pupils, at the same time enriching our new generation – said Janina Mozol, president of methodical circle, in the conversation with zw.lt.

Ex-president of the circle, Lilia Spirydowicz, submitted report about circle achievements of the last 3 years. Afterwards, the floor was taken by Catechetic Archdiocese of Vilnius Center (Centrum Katechetyczne Archidiecezji Wileńskiej) (CKAW), Raimond Kuklienė, who highlighted great achievements of polish schools pupils in participating in religion classes. The attendance on catecheses in polish schools is almost 100 percent.

Iwona Geben, Deputy Chief of CKAW, pointed out that this year will be dedicated to blessed John Paul II, as well as to St. Kazimierz and St. John Bosko

Source: http://zw.lt/wilno-wilenszczyzna/frekwencja-na-katechezach-w-polskich-szkolach-wynosi-prawie-100-proc-konferencja-ws-nauczania-religii-w-szkolach-rejonu-wilenskiego/

Tłumaczenie by Kamil Żerek w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Kamil Żerek within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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