• September 11, 2013
  • 399

„It will be a sentimental journey”. The visitation of pr. Cardinal Henryk Gulbinowicz in Vilnius

© Antoni Radczenko

90th birthday of pr. cardinal Henryk Gulbinowicz is an occasion to take a day trip to Vilnius next Saturday (21st September).

“17th October this year, is a date of pr. cardinal 90th birthday, however, we will start celebrating already on September 21st. And this is going to be a surprise for pr. cardinal because we are taking him on a day trip to Vilnius. We managed to hire a charter plane. Altogether, 160 people from Lower Silesia will arrive”. – said to zw.lt pr. Cezary Chwilczyński, executive editor of “Radio Rodzina” and one of the trip administrators.

At 1 p.m. mass will be celebrated in Gate of Dawn. “It is going to be thanksgiving mass on the occasion of 90 years of his life. Pr. cardinal will lead the mass by himself. Homily will be preached by pr. bishop Ignacy Dec, who is a lifelong collaborator of pr. cardinal. It is going to be an occasion for him to walk those streets, which he used to go to school, gymnasium and had a family or friend there. He always tells us in Lower Silesia how many aunts he had in Vilnius, who he had visited with parents. I think it will be a sentimental journey. I can say that I wait for this day with  impatience because when quest comes to visit him, he brags to everyone, that he will be in his home town soon – told us pr. Cezary Chwilczyński about the visit.

Pr. Chwilczyński informed us that during the visit, there would be surprises waiting for pr. cardinal. “There will be few surprises. I cannot tell the details. Those who will come on this mass, they will see what are those surprises which I am talking about”. – One of the trip administrators shared.

Pr. Henryk Gulbinowicz was born in 1923 in Szukisze in Vilnius region. Henryk Roman Gulbowicz is a Polish Roman Catholic Bishop, the Vilnius administrator in Białystok from 1970 till 1976, archbishop metropolitan of Breslau in 1976-2004, since 2004 archbishop and senior of Breslau, since 1985 an elder cardinal. He is also a knight of the Order of the White Eagle.

Source: http://zw.lt/wilno-wilenszczyzna/bedzie-sentymentalny-wyjazd-wizyta-ks-kardynala-henryka-gulbinowicza-w-wilnie/

Tłumaczenie by Beata Kanadys w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Beata Kanadys within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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