- August 30, 2013
- 464
EAPL’s several legislative proposals: continuation of commenced work and a beginning of new works

Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania representative in Sejm, Rita Tamašunienė submitted the
21st project of proposed legislative changes composed by EAPL Members of Parliament for
review by the Sejm in autumn. Some parts of the project make up for a continuation of works
that were already started by the party in question whilst others intend to give rise to new
works in favour of Lithuania’s citizens. During this autumn’s parliament session EAPL MPs will
make attempts to approve legislative initiatives they have started earlier. The will, inter alia,
solicit for the approval of the Act on Protection of Ante-natal Life and the increase of funds
allocated to looking after local roads. We remind that the two aforementioned draft acts were
approved during the first vote.
Propositions related to amending the Lithuanian law to conform to OSCE
EAPL’s legislative proposals regarding the Representation of the People Act, inter alia, the
proposition to lower the threshold for national minority and regional parties to 3%, aim to
modify the Lithuanian law so that it conforms to the recommendations made by the OSCE
representatives who on multiple occasions highlighted the importance of lowering the
aforementioned threshold.
Pursuit of electoral cards in minority languages
In its latest report on Lithuania, the OSCE apart from making recommendations regarding the
electoral threshold highlighted that in order to improve the ease of access to information for
persons unable to speak Lithuanian, it is necessary to translate the contents of voting cards
into minority languages in electoral districts where at least 10% of the population are minority
representatives. Aiming to increase the scope of use of minority languages in political
campaigns, EAPL plans to submit their proposed legislative changes for review during the
upcoming parliament session.
Putting an end to the blameworthy tradition of sudden changes in elections
Legislative proposals submitted by EAPL representatives also plan to discontinue a
blameworthy possibility of amending the voting system shortly before elections, which is
unacceptable in a democratic state. According to two international documents, that is, the
OSCE’s report on Lithuania and included recommendations and the Code of Good Practice in
Electoral Matters adopted in 2002 by the Venice Commission, MPs propose that the legislative
changes in question be introduced a year before elections, at the latest.
Attempts to finish off the process of returning land
Due to EAPL’s requests, this autumn MPs will once more review the issue of returning land in
towns and cities to their rightful owners. Draft legislation on the matter was already proposed
in 2007 by MP Waldemar Tomaszewski. The project was however rejected by the Sejm in
2008. Now however the project has been resubmitted by the leader and deputy leader of the
EAPL fraction, Rita Tamašunienė and Wanda Krawczonok.
EAPL proposes that land in towns and cities that was leased to private companies and that was
in accordance with current regulations not returned to the rightful owners, be returned to
them. Should this go ahead, business owners will be forced to sign lease contracts with land 30th of September 2013
owners rather than the state, or alternatively would have to buy the land off. Similar
procedures already take place in countryside settlements and villages.
According to the date provided by the National Agricultural Service of the Ministry of
Agriculture, as per the 1st
of January 2013, 12,000 land owners still await the return of their
land of which the aggregated size comes up to 8.1 ha of built-up land, what means that only
79% of citizens have had their land returned to them. The same score stands at 99% in the
countryside and only at about 40% in Vilnius.
As can be seen, the range of legislative initiatives shown by EAPL MPs is diverse and very wide
Tłumaczenie by Kamil Łukasz Szwarc w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Kamil Łukasz Szwarc within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.