• August 27, 2013
  • 395

The best supporters – women?

© Archiwum S. Andruszkiewicz

Football is one of the most popular sport in the world. However, some believes that it is a male sport, done and watched only by men. A second year student of European studies from Warsaw University, Sylwia Andruszkiewicz, helped me to explode this myth. The girl loves football, motorcycle raids and shares other boyish passions. In addition, she is a great patriot and leaps at every opportunity to support FK Polonija Vilnius.

Since childhood Slwia liked various sports, especially football, because she often played with neighborhood boys on the football pitch in Zujūnai – a place near Vilnius. She became more interested in football few years ago, however, she claims that she has never been into American, Spanish or other games played at so called big stage. Few years ago, Sylwia decided to support only one team – FK Polonija Vilnius.

Sylwia is a member of Brygada Wilno Polonia (Vilnius Polonia Brigade), which has been run for over an year already. So you can meet her almost at every game of FK Polonija Vilnius. Asked why she is supporting Polonija, she answered quickly: “In Lithuania there is only one Polish football team and I am a Polish and a patriot, that is why I’m supporting my team”.

As a matter of fact, Sylwia is not the only girl among supporters. However, she is the most faithful fan among all the girls belonging to the Brigade. “Other girls come to see single games and then go away”- she said. Unlike others, Sylwia is always with Polonija. The girl even managed to get in the stadium during the match of FK Polonija Vilnius with Vilnius-Nevėžis from Kėdainiai, when, as we remember, the supporters of FK Polonija Vilnius were not allowed to enter the stadium.

When asked how other people respond to her interest, she said that very often her parents are worried about her. Still, both parents and friends understand that supporting Polonija is a display of patriotism and always back her up. Guys from the Brigade treat her with respect. The gender difference is visible only while distribution of work in the group. “Sometimes we take care of “female issues” like sawing, boys, on the other hand, take care of technical difficulties”.

Rozmawiając z Sylwią, nie powstrzymałam się i zapytałam o jej refleksje dotyczących ostatnich wydarzeń w KS Polonii Wilno, a mianowicie o karę nałożoną przez Litewską Federację Piłki Nożnej (LFF). Według Sylwii, zachowanie LFF jest nieuczciwe wobec KS Polonia Wilno. „Myślę, że ta kara jest bezsensowna, bo przecież nic złego tak na prawdę nie wydarzyło się, ten spalony kawał trawy – to nie jest koniec świata. My zawsze kibicowaliśmy grzecznie. Nam przykro, że teraz nie możemy być na meczu i musimy stać pod stadionem. Jednak stoimy, gdyż chcemy wspierać swoją drużynę!” – mówiła Sylwia.

While talking with Sylwia, I couldn’t refrain myself from asking about her thoughts on the recent event in FK Polonija Vilnius, namely the penalty imposed by Lithuanian Football Federation (LFF). According to Sylwia, the attitude of the Federation is unfair for FK Polonija Vilnius. “I think that this penalty is senseless, because nothing bad really happened, this burnt piece of grass is not the end of the world. We always supported politely. We are sorry that we can not be at the game now and we have to stand outside the stadium. But we do stand, because we want to support our team!”- said Sylwia.

Source: http://www.wilnoteka.lt/pl/artykul/najlepsi-kibice-kobiety

Tłumaczenie by Sara Howicka w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Sara Howicka within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 

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