- July 26, 2013
- 443
The future presidents received diploma University of Bialystok – UwB – Branch in Vilnius

There were 66 diplomas given to the graduates of fourth promotion at the Faculty of Economics and Informatics in Vilnius – Branch of the University of Bialystok. The ceremony took place in the House of Polish Culture.
“There were 106 economics and 42 IT third year students in the current academic year, out of them 51 economists and 15 IT specialists graduated. And one person received the diploma with honors” – told PL DELFI Jarosław Wołkonowski, the Branch dean.
In his welcoming speech the dean talked about significance of the diploma, which should ensure the good base for the future carrier. There is the White Eagle (the national coat of arms of Poland) emblem on its first page, there.
“Our graduates work in many fields, do their own business, are employed in various marketing and logistic companies, are the office workers, book keepers, or custom officers. One of them became the Head of the Civil Registry department, another one established a funeral home – all these examples show how creative and resourceful are our graduates. We have many instances of siblings studying here, and even parents and children. There are very good IT specialists among our graduates today, who sell their programs and applications on the international market” – said Wołkonowski.
All in all 302 graduates left the University, versus 336 removed from the list of students, which is – in the dean’s view – a proof of high standards prevailing at the University.
The Consul General Stanisław Cygnarowski welcomed the gathered graduates and wished them the best in the future. The Members of the Seimas of the Lithuanian Republic – Michał Mackiewicz and Józef Kwiatkowski took part in the ceremony.
“I can see people, who will be working not only at the municipalities, some of them are the future ministers, or even presidents” – Mackiewicz said.
“There is a big difference now, comparing to the early days of the Branch activity: the number of students and graduates increased. I wish you more and more students at the second level of studying, but to make it happen, we need to create such a possibility in Vilnius. I understand very well, that not everyone can afford studying in Bialystok or anywhere in Poland. It is our priority at the University to open a second level of studying in Vilnius” – told PL DELFI Professor Jerzy Halicki, Vice-Rector for Students and Teaching Affairs of UwB.
The Vice-Rector said, that the Master degree study will not be open in Vilnius next year, but there are plans to do so in the near future.
“The main problem is the teaching staff. We do not have much trouble with the Economics Department staff, but to find a good IT specialist is very difficult, and there is a high demand for them at the Polish universities, as well” – the Vice-Rector added.
The biggest problem of the UwB Branch alone is its own office, which the University does not have. The Vice-Rector informed the audience, that the Ministry of the Interior and Administration of RP allocated the finances for the plot purchasing for the UwB Branch location in Vilnius.
Source: http://pl.delfi.lt/kultura/kultura/przyszli-prezydenci-otrzymali-dyplomy.d?id=61943633#ixzz2aX16Jvr0
Tłumaczenie by Jadwiga Granowska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Jadwiga Granowska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.