• July 1, 2013
  • 401

Polish students choose to study at the Vilnius University more and more often

fot. Archiwum P. Wróblewska

In the summer term of the 2012/2013 academic year, seven students from Poland joined the linguists, of whom the Polish Centre of the University of Vilnius takes care. Why did they choose Vilnius, what are their impressions, will this decision influence their future academic careers? – you can find answers to these questions (and more) below.

For the majority of us, the adventure with Vilnius began in the previous academic year, when we had decided to go abroad participating in the Erasmus exchange programme. We chose Lithuania from many other countries. Numerous associations of the city with the Polish language and literature that are the subject of our lectures on everyday basis convinced us to visit Vilnius. It is a different thing to listen to a lecture on the romantic literature and Konrad’s prison cell and to see it all. The action of many literary works is located in authentic places that we can see being there. I mean the Konrad’s prison cell that was already mentioned or senator Novosiltsev’s saloon from the third part of  Dziady,  located in the area of the present Presidential Palace in Vilnius.

The time we spent in Vilnius was full of pleasure but also of studying and perspectives for our future. The Vilnius University has amazed us with its unusual atmosphere. Each room, almost each wall has its own history here. We felt it all the time.

In March we also had the opportunity to help with organising the 24th Contest of Polish Language and Literature in Lithuania. For us, it was a journey into the past because a few years ago we participated in the Contest in Poland.

We were perfecting our research skills. We were invited to give a lecture during the students’ conference organised by the Polish Centre as an element of the Days of Polish Language Studies in the Vilnius University in May. Lecturers and students welcomed us warmly; we could count on their help in every matter. We met people, who will stay in our memories for long time.

All good things end quickly, unfortunately. Each of us cried leaving “our” city, which amazed us all with its charm and which was, for a couple of months, our home. If we could choose a place to go to within the Erasmus programme, none of us would change the decision and, without hesitation, we would all choose Vilnius again. Let the “Pieśń o ziemi naszej” poem (“Song about our land”) by Wincenty Pol be the summary of our impressions on the time we spent in Lithuania:

“Jeśli myśl ci przyjdzie mylna

Zwątpić w przyszłość i w swobodę,

Wówczas, bracie, jedź do Wilna

Poznać z hartem dusze młode”.

(„If the mistaken though comes to you

To doubt future and freedom

Then, my brother, go to Vilnius

To meet young souls of fortitude.”)

Each of us remembers the time we spent there differently but one thing is certain – Vilnius will remain in our hearts for ever.

Patrycja Wróblewska

“Long autumn walks, cold winter nights with a volume of Gałczyński’s poetry (ach, the amazing Vilnius poetry!), aromatic spring and summer full of sunlight – this is how I will remember the amazing year I spent in Vilnius. It is a city of romanticism and poets, in which you can feel the spiritual element in the air. I am delighted with the multiculturalism, beauty and magic of the place. I regret leaving the city, but I already know I will go back here.”

Daria Antkiewicz, student of Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań

“When I told my friends I was going to Vilnius (!) within the Erasmus programme, nobody tried to hide the surprise and lack of approbation. Lithuania, known from Mickiewicz’s epic work, did not seem to be interesting for the majority of my interlocutors. They said it’s cold in there and… almost identical as it is in Poland. But after months spent here I can only laugh when I recollect these words. For five, sometimes long and cold months this city has become my second home. Just as a child becoming acquainted with its surroundings, I was walking unsurely though the streets of Vilnius, and I was amazed by the narrow streets and architectonic highlights of the city. Like a student, I was following my master, discovering still new places associated with Mickiewicz and Milosz and now, looking at Vilnius sunset and holding in my hand a return ticket to my country, I repeat these words in my thoughts:

“„Dziś piękność twą w całej ozdobie

Widzę i opisuję, bo tęsknię po tobie”.

(„Your beauty and splendour I view

And describe here today, for I long after you.”)

Magdalena Pieczarka, a student of the University of Wrocław

“Vilnius turned out to be a beautiful city, full of amazing monuments, inspiring streets and buildings. Studying at the Vilnius University gave me many chances to gain knowledge and, most importantly, to develop. I had the chance to visit bilingual school — the Rafał Kalinowski Junior High School in Nemėžis in the Vilnius Region, to visit many great people who helped me to become acquainted with the local history, culture and even the cuisine. For five months I became attached to Vilnius very much and this is why I will probably keep going back to the capital of Polish artists of the romanticism.”

Joanna Piecyk, a student of the Jan Kochanowski University in Kielce (the branch in Piotrków Trybunalski)

Source: http://www.wilnoteka.lt/pl/artykul/polscy-studenci-coraz-czesciej-wybieraja-studia-na-uniwersytecie-wilenskim

Tłumaczenie by Emilia Zawieracz w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Emilia Zawieracz within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 

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