• June 12, 2013
  • 395

Polish child at a Polish school. Facts speak to parents.

Fot. BFL/Tomas Urbelionis

The 18th educational conference „Polish child – at a Polish school” was held in the hall of the local government of the Vilnius region on Monday (June 10th). Every year in June, after the end of the school year, the Vilnius District Branch of ZPL convenes teachers, parents, social workers to discuss matters concering education in the mother tongue.

It is an opportunity to assess the situation, share the experiences and exchange opinions.

8774 children, including nearly 5 000  who participated in classes taught in Polish, attended local schools in Vilnius region during the last school year. 80 % of all Polish children from the region is taught in their mother tongue. Almost 50 % of the local government budget is allocated to the functioning of the education system.

Facts speak the most to the parents who choose school for their child. These facts are such as the success of students during the competitions, index number of students who get accepted into univeristy, the varied extra-curricular activities. Last year, 63% of  graduates decided to continue their education at universities. This year’s high school graduates also have the ambition to pursue a higher education.

Pedagogical and psychological clinic of the Vilnius region, for the second consecutive year, has conducted a study on the plans towards higher education and the overall vision of the future. The questions were answered by the 507 students of graduating classes from 26 schools. As many as 86% respondents would like to study, but the absolute majority – 88%  respondents – in Lithuania.

Source: http://zw.lt/wilno-wilenszczyzna/polskie-dziecko-w-polskiej-szkole-do-rodzicow-przemawiaja-fakty/

Tłumaczenie by Justyna Kaczmarek w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Justyna Kaczmarek within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu. 

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