- June 1, 2013
- 515
Children in the spotlight and captured on cameras. The final of the contest
The International Children’s Day is traditionally celebrated on 1st June. While observing emotions, shopping madness and endless stream of commercials accompanying this celebration (within a special emphasis in Poland, but also to some extent in Lithuania), one could get the impression that this special tradition derives from highly commercialized Western countries, which can boast about the prosperity for a quite a long period of time. Nothing further from the truth. The Children’s Day was primarily introduced in the countries of Soviet Union and has been cultivated since 1950. In some countries it has been celebrated with a flourish, whereas in others – less lavishly. Over the past few years it has certainly gained more popularity, colours and sophisticated taste.
The Children’s Day is a vital celebration in Poland and it continues to be cultivated with due ceremony. All the children are perfectly aware of the fact that the 1st June is this special day devoted entirely to them, so that they can enforce on their parents and grandparents smaller or bigger gifts or – at least – ice-creams and a cake. The same discovery will be made soon also by the Lithuanian children who have not had the faintest idea about such possibilities so far, but they certainly will – with the help of toy salesmen, shopping centres, pizza restaurants and ice-cream parlours.
Having said that, maybe it is not a such a bad idea to take children for ice-creams, invite them to the cinema or another party in order to accentuate, how significant they are to us? The salesmen and restaurant owners have already prepared their full offers, hence, all we can do is to relish such an impressive choice. Vingis Parkas invites children on Saturday 1st June for a creative and joyful way of spending their leisure time, offering countless educational and entertainment events for the youngest and a bit older little ones!
The Polish environment also boasts a wide offer of festive events. This year, on the day before Children’s Day, children were delighted to take part in performance “Domisie” and other festivities organized by the Polish Centre in Vilnius in Rudamina, Miednik and Solecznik.
Children are also elated because of the annual edition of the contest “My child in front of the camera” organized by the daily newspaper “Courier of Vilnius”. Over the last few years there have been more and more young prize-winners, this year as many as 60, correspondingly to the 60th anniversary of establishment of “Courier of Vilnius”! For the first half of the year all those who are willing to take part in this contest should send photos of their children, grandchildren and even great grandchildren. It is not the sender himself who is taken into account, but the photographs sent by him, most especially: inspiring, creative and funny ones. Such photos are published in our newspaper and afterwards the committee gathers to select the prize-winners. Obviously, it is not the photographer who gains the prize, but the child whose portrait is captured on the photo! The annual final festivity, which takes place in various Vilnius schools or kindergartens, was established with children, their parents and grandparents in mind. This year it was held by the Primary School in Lipówka.
We encourage you to watch a short coverage of the final gala concert, as well as a more detailed one. The latter will be available in “Wilnoteka” broadcasted by TV Polonia on Wednesday 5th June at 8:10 (7:10 of Polish local time) and in the evening at 19:55 and 18:55, respectively.
Source: http://www.wilnoteka.lt/pl/tresc/dzieci-w-blasku-fleszy-i-pod-lupa-obiektywow-final-konkursu
Tłumaczenie by Joanna Mirek w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Joanna Mirek within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.