- August 13, 2012
- 380
Narkiewicz supports the Forum of Parents and defends the Vilnius College of Agriculture at Vaidotai.

Jarosław Narkiewicz, the deputy for Sejm of the Republic of Lithuania on behalf of Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania (EAPL), supports the demand made by the Forum of Parents of the Polish Schools in Lithuania that the Ministry of Education make public the results of the mock matura exam in Lithuanian. In the interview for “Znad Wilii” Radio, the deputy said that the Lithuanian Ministry of Science and Education has plans to close down the Vilnius College of Agriculture in Voidatai, but said that the school can be rescued.
Jarosław Narkiewicz said that at the session of education committee, the Ministry promised to make public the results of the standardized mock matura exam in the official language in mid September. But there’s no reason why the public shouldn’t learn about the results sooner. Even more so, since the deputy minister, Vaidas Bacys, informed that there are no substantial differences in the results between the Lithuanian and the minority schools.
„Since the statement about the results being ready has been made, it is only logical that the Forum of Parents should make an enquiry, as it’s the one most concerned. Now it’s our turn to address this matter. Our enquiry is bound to be of consequence. We will definitely not wait until the first session.” – the deputy said. The talks with the Ministry have been held since the beginning.
The Ministry claimed that the results were being analysed and so the EAPL did not make a formal enquiry earlier. The disturbing thing is – Narkiewicz says – that not all the students presented for the exam. From the Polish and Russian schools the best students took part, while the Lithuanian schools were represented by the weaker ones.
Another item discussed in the interview was the continuity of the Vilnius College of Agriculture in Voidatai with subjects taught in Polish. „Unfortunately, the college has been in danger of closing down for two or three years. The Ministry’s stand towards the college is not favourable. A recent gain in this struggle is that one of the college foundation principles guarantees that the subjects will be taught in Polish. The Ministry has made attempts at crossing out Polish and Russian. Our intervention has helped to\guarantee the Polish language. Technical subjects in this institution are to be taught in Polish” – Narkiewicz assured.
A member of EAPL claims that the Ministry’s intention is to create a primary school with Lithuanian language on the basis of the college. He considers the plan ludicrous as the school will be competing with the Lithuanian middle school in Pogirach.
The deputy is convinced that the college will be rescued from closing down. „A committee in defence of the college has been set up and taking initiative actively. My party has engaged in close cooperation with the committee. And I think that the college is likely to continue. Another favourable factor is the fact that the term of the present Ministry is coming to an end. I hope that the change of political power will turn out to be positive for our cause. They will not manage to close down the college. It will continue and at better standards to that” – Jarosław Narkiewicz said.
Tłumaczenie Katarzyna Różańska w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Katarzyna Różańska within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.