- June 19, 2012
- 352
A Statement by the Press Office of Electoral Action of Poles in Lithuania
The recent provocative statements made by Gediminas Grina, head of the Security Department, and the leader of parliamentary National Security and Defence, Arvydas Anuszauskas,accusing the minorities in Lithuania of being disloyal and groundlessly presenting them as a “fifth column” in Lithuania, serve to incite national unrest and provoke confrontations among the population. Searching for enemies of different nationalities causes provocatory actions of fringe elements, which resulted in desecration of St. Jan Bosko Church in Lazdynai and “The Mother and the Heart of Her Son” mausoleum in Rossa.
In connection with the above we urge everybody to remain calm and not give in to the provocations,inspired by certain political circles, such as the speeches made by the above-mentioned politicians. Everything points to it being election strategy by their party and should be taken as nothing but yet another provocation directed against the citizens of Polish origin and intended to cause unnecessary retributive actions which would present the Poles in an unfavourable light. While unambiguouslycondemning these actions, as not befitting civilized conduct, let us not give in to the provocations and remain calm!
Tłumaczenie Andrzej Rola w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Andrzej Rola within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.