• June 7, 2012
  • 473

The Minister of Agriculture visiting Vilnius Region was able to learn his lesson

At 28 May this in headquarter of the Self-Government  of the Vilnius Region took place of the Management Board of the Self – Government  with the Minister  of Agriculture Mr. Kazys Starkevičius.

In this meeting has participated  Director of National Land Service under the  Ministry of Agriculture Mr. Vytas Lopinys, Director of the National Paying Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture Mr. Saulius Silickas and director of the Rural Development Department Ms Jurgita Stakėnienė. The Self – Government of Vilnius Region was represented by : mayor Ms Maria Rekść, vice- mayor Mr. Czesław Olszewski, administrative director Ms Lucyna Kotłowska with her deputies Ms Rita Tamašunienė and Mr. Władysław Kondratowicz, manager of the Department of Agriculture Ms. Lucjana Binkiewicz, and deputy of the manager of the Department of the Architecture and Spatial Planning Ms  Audronė Ercmonaitė.

At the meeting were discussed the issues related to returning land in the Vilnius Region, implementation and financing investment projects of the Self-Government, providing support for famers of the Vilnius Region and other significant issues.

During the discussion of representatives of the Self – Government and the Ministry of Agriculture special attention was paid to the returning land issue. The mayo of the Self – Government launched a subject of statistical data regarding retuning land to inhabitants of  the  Vilnius Region. According to information provided by the guests, despite the fresolution that in Lithuania process of retuning land in the Vilnius Region is about to be closed soon, in which there is a lots of places put into an official lists, property rights obtained only 87.52 per cent till now of submitted in applications space. As of 1 April 2012 in the Vilnius Region were submitted fewer than  26 340 applications in case of returning land property right(including returning property rights paid in natural goods). It’s predicted that in 2012 Department of Vilnius Region is about to receive near 5190 applications in case of regaining property rights in villages. The mayor has submitted a request for providing information, which amount of land has been already regained, not only in the Vilnius Region, but also which amount was returned to the Vilnius Region inhabitants. The minister has obliged himself to give such information. In a town Dukszty representatives have visited renovated church of St. Ann.

There were discussed issues of projected plots for social needs. Deputy of the Department of the Architecture and Spatial Planning Ms  A. Ercmonaitė has expressed its mind about appointing centre of culture of taking care of maintenance of  weaving palms in the area of a park and in a manor house in Mazuryszki. 19 December 2012 the Council of Self – Government of Vilnius Region has adopted an Resolution which predicted projected plot for social need, prepared detailed plan and valid  self – governmental infrastructural plan. The Self – Government planned to obtain support from the EU, therefore was organized interdepartamental  a series of meetings, but self – government has got a information about prepared project of agricultural regulations, which divided plot at Mazuryszki into several parts. The only thing that can be done is to feel sorry for not taking under consideration proposals of the Self – Government. Representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture pointed that in this town was planned plots in order to regain land property, currently trials are on, when they are over, applications of pretenders will be reconsidered and then the case of a manor house in Mazuryszki will be reconsidered as well. The mayo  has informed the minister that Lithuanian National Land Service of the Vilnius Region Department didn’t mention that  the Council of the Self – Government yet in 2005 has adopted an Resolution of landform of plot (nearby the manor house at Mazuryszki) for social needs. Without any accordance with Resolutions of the Council plots was designed in order to returning lands (in mode of its moving) not for inhabitants of the Vilnius Region. During the meeting the minister declared to recontrol course of implementation of resolutions of the resolutions of the Council of Self – Government of Vilnius Region in case of landforms of plots for social needs.  the Management of Self – Government turned the attention of the minister to fact that in the period  of approving projects of  agricultural regulations comments and reservations are writing down but not taken under  consideration – i.e. in case of plot in Glinciszki, comments were presented yet in 2007, but recently the Self – Government has got to know that a plot located nearby manor house at Glinciszki with no consideration to the Self – Government comments plots were divided into fewer parts and is being expected to be returned.

The minister has ensured about returning land in natural way will a priority. Moreover, the Ministry of Agriculture will pay more attention to make agricultural reform succeed.

The Self – Government of  Vilnius Region with a view to making agricultural reform faster and providing help for applicants from the Vilnius Region for regaining land property proposed to the institutions responsible for returning land all necessary help, keeping faith in fast and successful course of the reform. The minister approved of the  Self – Government of  Vilnius Region for its implementation of 3 significant projects : reconstruction of  irrigation devices of Ławaryszki district, reconstruction of irrigation devices of town Jęczmieniszki, which is put into official list and reconstruction of  irrigation devices of towns : Daniłowo, Glinciszki, Kiena, Mejszagoła, Miguny, Rzesza, Szumsk which are put into official lists. The minister has emphasized also that in comparison to Lithuania in general the index appears to be very high.  He has also encouraged to use support more actively with a view to organizing irrigation ditches, and declared that farmers won’t be obliged to register rental lands agreement in the registry, which would lead to obtain  and receive support by farmers.

In case of  notice of the rental contract (if the  land holder does) farmer should turn to a court, then National Paying Agency will not be allowed to cut providing support. Moreover there was noticed current problem – farmers do  not work on the land. Therefore representatives of the Self – Government to increase amount of agricultural tax for those  land plot holders, who do not take care of their ones. The mayor informed that the Council of Self – Government of Vilnius Region has adopted a resolution which cancels tax reliefs for holders of neglected plots.

Representatives of the Ministry informed of 230 approved applications yet submitted by the inhabitants of the Vilnius  Region in case of asbestos roofs removal. Payment will be made soon. 2 million litas were reserved for this purpose. The minister has praised the Self-Government administration employees for implementation of 61 projects of providing support for entrepreneurship, which let near 40 million litas to be invested in the Vilnius Region. It is the biggest amount of projects in Lithuania as whole, submitted under the frames of that action.

After  the meeting with representatives of the management of Self – Government of Vilnius Region was passed guests visited districts Podbrzezie and  Dukszty. In the first one representatives of the Ministry  met famers and representatives of local society. Guests have been asked  by Podbrzezie inhabitants many questions regarding land returning issues, irrigation projects and support for business.

“I’m glad that I was able to learn a lesson from you – that’s why we are here.” – minister K. Starkevičius smiled. The mayo of the Vilnius Region Ms. Maria Rekść declared she hoped visit of the minister would lead to introduce process of solving presented problems. “Today Mr. Minister came to us with his entire team. I can see that they do really want to help us, so if you have any..”

Source: http://kurierwilenski.lt/2012/06/07/przebywajacy-z-wizyta-w-rejonie-wilenskim-minister-rolnictwa-otrzymal-sporo-pracy-domowej/

Tłumaczenie Ewelina Targosz w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Ewelina Targosz within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.

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