- May 21, 2012
- 399
About Lithuanian Poles at the authority’s level
Complaints about the Lithuanian government activities, which state limitations for existence of the polish school system in Lithuania was expressed by polish members of parliament from the polish – Lithuanian Committee on Difficult Issues, which meeting took place on Thursday in Bałowieża.
Moreover the President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė had harsh words for the Polish policy by claiming that Poland has chosen as its friend Rusia, and Lithuania became a scapegoat. President of Poland Bronisław Komorowski refused to comment this statement of President Grybauskaitė
“Members of polish delegation to the commission, expressed their disappointment related to lack of progress in solving problems from the disputable issues catalogue and Lithuanian authorities did not move forward with their actions and just kept on lengthening list of cases that are disputable between Lithuania and Poland. They feel sorry for actions undertaken by Republic of Lithuania authorities with a view to limiting activities of polish education system in Lithuania. These actions make attempts to improve our relations harder” – put polish members of parliament in the statement released on Friday at the end of its meeting in Białowieża,
In the statement of the polish group has been emphasized “lack of progress in regulations implementation” Treaty between Republic of Poland and between Republic of Lithuania on friendly relations between Poland and Lithuania The Treaty on Friendship and Good Cross-Border Cooperation Polish members of the Parliament has indicated also that improvement of relations should be mutual.
“Expressing its would be states through implementation of the Treaty regulations. – states in the announcement. They’ve also called to the societies for “preventing all possible forms of the discrimination and chauvinism, through building partner social relations, free from aggression or prejudices” .
Member of parliament Urszula Augustyn (Civic Platform), who is a vice-chairman of the group for disputable issues and the vice – Chairman of the Polish and Lithuanian Parliamentary Assembly, said to the Polish Press Agency after the meeting was finished, that the most important thing ever was the meeting took place.
“Every time we get to the negotiating table, it should be a sign of good intensions of both sides. To manage something.” – she said.
In her point of view the atmosphere of the meeting was good, but it is hard to expect on this level could be “crucial”.
“But if we don’t keep this atmosphere alive, the situation would get worsen – added Ms Augustyn. According to her mind, in the air floats the gentle ptimistic feeling in the analysis of particular issues.”
But she admitted that there was no turning point as well.
“There is no turning point, no situation in which we could say – since tomorrow everything will be different or something like this. But in a few problems we have got closer to the solution” – she added. As a sample she has mentioned the issue may be the handbook of teaching minority languages.
Lithuanian member of Parliament Jonas Liesys, who shares the chair of co-Chairman of the group for disputable issues and vice-Chairman of the Polish – Lithuanian Assembly of the Member of Parliament as well, has mentioned that the fact that meeting took place, is meaningful.
“Even lack of talks or keeping in touch could be a problem”. – estimated in a talk to PPA.
He said that the meeting “many subjects and problems” was elaborated in and according to him “there is a light in a tunnel”. As a good message was perceived the polish side declaration of paying more attention to Lithuanian school system in Poland. He has also expressed his hope for organization next meeting of the commission members yet in this year. Polish-Lithuanian group for disputable issues was established three years ago, after the Polish – Lithuanian Assembly of the Member of Parliament as result of the opinion differences in regard to national minorities situation in both states was closed with no significant document.
Since few years a problem of Poland in a common relations are issues of spelling of polish surname at Lithuania, and bilingual street plates and towns at the Vilnius area, where Poles constitutes to be majority. Nowadays the main reason for tensions in bilateral relations appeared to be the Act of Educational Law case, which was highly objected by Poles living in Lithuania.
Polish – Lithuanian relations are eve much complicated because of opinion in the case made by the President of Lithuania Dalia Grybauskaitė. The Lithuanian President, who is currently staying in the USA, during the meeting with representatives of the Lithuanian society, had harsh words for the Polish policy by claiming that Poland has chosen as its friend Russia, and Lithuania became a scapegoat.” – said Grybauskaitė.
President of the Republic of Poland refused to comment this announcement made by the Lithuanian president.
We’ve faced very complicated situation in the public space. I have no idea about the reasons, but the politicians have decided that the Poland should make friends with Russia, and the smaller countries should be just scapegoats. Well, seems that Lithuania is one of them.” – said Dalia Grybauskaitė
Dalia Grybauskaitė refused demands regarding polish minority situation by claiming that in Lithuania was established best conditions for teaching polish languages from any abroad countries. Ms President minds that the tensions make the situation of Poles living in Lithuania worsen.
Tłumaczenie Ewelina Targosz w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu. Translated by Ewelina Targosz within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu.