• November 9, 2011
  • 412

Anna Krepsztul – government prize winner

A well-known folklore painter from Taboryszki Anna Krepsztul, deceased in 2007, was posthumously shortlisted for the Lithuanian government prize  in culture and art in 2012. As the Lithuanian daily “Respublika” reports, the list prepared by the contest committee is comprised from 43 candidates: famous Lithuanian film and theatre directors, actors, poets and journalists.

The daily “Respublika” reminds that every year no more than 12 prizes are awarded. One prize amounts to 44.200 lit. The prize shows the acclaim and encouragement to further creative output for the persons important for the Lithuanian culture and art, also Lithuanians who live and create abroad.

Among the candidates to the prize in 2012 we can find e.g. a choreograph Anželika Cholina, theatre director Cezaris Graužinis, film dorectors Romas Lileikis and Gytis Lukšas, famous Lithuanian fashion designer Juozas Statkevičius. A detailed list of prizewinners will be presented by the committee till 30th January 2012.

A folklore painter Anna Krepsztul, often called the ambassador of Vilnius, was born in 1932 in the Taboryszki country. Since her early years, she has been fascinated by art, but her health problems didn’t allow her to attend the art school. She struggled with osteoporosis and bone tuberculosis, which caused the bones to be fragile.

In 70 years she suffered from 72 bone fractures, while additionally struggling with diabetes and heart disease. Nevertheless, she created more than 3500 works, placed today in private collections and galleries, among others in Poland, Lithuania, the USA, England, Germany, France, Australia, Canada, and many other places all around the world.

Based on: respublika.lt

Source: http://wilnoteka.lt/pl/artykul/anna-krepsztul-wsrod-laureatow-nagrody-rzadowej


Tłumaczenie: Monika Mroczek, w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu Translation by Monika Mroczek, as part of vocational training in The European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu

Korekta w ramach praktyk: Monika Mroczek

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