- November 8, 2011
- 392
Kubilius appeals to continue dialogue
Prime Minister of Lithuania, Andrius Kubilius, proposed to appoint a special committee on social and economic matters, with the main aim of working out the ways to provide support for the social and economic development of south-eastern part of Lithuania (Vilnius Region) and Suwałki Region (Polish and Lithuanian Suwałki Region).
The media service of the Prime Minister of Lithuania informed that the proposition to appoint such body was voiced in the congratulatory letter issued in celebration of the coming Independence Day, addressed to the head of Polish government, Donald Tusk. The Prime Minister of Lithuania said he hopes that Poland will still play an important role in the south-eastern region of Lithuania and in Suwwałki Region. Kubilius also assured that Lithuania “always tried and in the future will also try to be a reliable partner of Poland”. “It is of utmost importance for our ethnical minorities, because the way in which it is resolved will influence the long-term good situation of Poles in Lithuania and Lithuanians in Poland”, stated Kubilius in his letter.
Few months ago, during the meeting in Połąga, the Prime Ministers of Poland and Lithuania appointed a special expert panel on education in order to discuss the educational issues, important for the ethnical minorities of both countries. The Prime Minister of Lithuania, Andrius Kubilius, apprised positively the results of panel’s works, although Polish and Lithuanian experts didn’t come to any understanding.
Based on: www.lrv.lt, BNS
Source: http://wilnoteka.lt/pl/artykul/kubilius-apeluje-o-kontynuowanie-dialogu
Tłumaczenie: Monika Mroczek, w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu
Translation by Monika Mroczek, as part of vocational training in The European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu