- September 5, 2011
- 454
Sikorski said: We don’t see the will of the agreement
“This bill, it is inserted into the housing goat, which we now derive. There are so new problems instead of solving old and unfortunately we have to deal with the next, and it must change” – said in yesterday’s edition of “Facts on Facts,” Polish Foreign Minister Radosław Sikorski, asked about reaction to the adopted in Lithuania in March this year a new law on education. In this way, commented on the decision to establish a Polish-Lithuanian group to address the issue of a new education law in Lithuania.
In the opinion of Polish foreign minister appointment of a team of Polish and Lithuanian experts to help in developing a common position and the Polish minority will get the answer to the question of guarantees continuity and development of the Polish education in Lithuania.
Sikorski, “signed” under the Declaration of Donald Tusk, who said after yesterday’s meeting with Lithuanian Prime Minister Andrius Kubilius that relations between the Polish and Lithuania “will be so good, how good are the relations of Lithuania with the Polish minority.”
Radosław Sikorski noted, however, that the efforts of many similar initiatives aimed at improving the situation of Lithuanian Poles, were always unilateral.
“Ten years ago, as Deputy Minister I dealt with these matters and they are still in the same place. Our public does not know already, what else could we do to warm up relations with its neighbors” – said the head of Polish diplomacy.
On the basis of: tvn24.pl
Tłumaczenie Michał Sadowski w ramach praktyk w Europejskiej Fundacji Praw Człowieka, www.efhr.eu Translated by Michał Sadowski within the framework of a traineeship programme of the European Foundation of Human Rights, www.efhr.eu